Ordinance requirements for bantams vs. standard size hens?


9 Years
Jan 23, 2011
The new Moline IL ordinance allowing backyard hens is due to take effect in a few weeks!
Two young women in our community worked their arses off for the last year to get this through and did an AMAZING job

The ordinance is based on the model used in Cedar Rapids IA and specifies:

"Henhouses and chicken tractors shall be designed to provide safe and healthy living conditions for the chickens with a minimum of four (4) square feet per bird while minimizing adverse impacts to other residents in the neighborhood."

What I'm wondering is whether we should request a special space provision for bantams? Are there any ordinances out there that have specific provisions for bantams? And if so what would be a reasonable amount per bantam hen? Obviously six Old English Game hens don't need quite as much space as six Jersey Giants!
"Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens" lists recommended amounts of space for chickens based upon their size. However, the more space you can give them, the better. If you are talking 6 chickens, you are talking 24 sq ft. That really is not that large a space, especially if you add a second or third level that they have access to via ramps.
Thanks, I own that book and will look for that section. I already have a coop and run, but wanted to research this so I could inform the folks writing the ordinance.

Anyone else have experience with this issue?
I was hoping to find an example or two of city ordinances that address bantams.

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