Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

I've had really good luck hanging fly trap bags (they stink, so don't put them right where you'll walk by them at head level).

I have also heard of maggot buckets which also provides bugs for chooks to eat and helps reduce fly population.
I've had really good luck hanging fly trap bags (they stink, so don't put them right where you'll walk by them at head level).

Fly Trap Bags ???

"Fly trap bags" = disgusting bane of my existence. They are neck in neck by the flies themselves. They are these bags you buy for about $5 that have this unbelievably stinky, stinky substance. I was told you can also put tuna in it and as it rots the flies love it. Yum! You fill them with water and try to place them in a location where you will never ever have to be in the same zip code with them. What you end out with is a REALLY STINKY bag full of a mass of wriggling, buzzing drowning, flies. I hung one in my carport and when I couldn't stand another minute of the stinky wriggly buzzzzy thing I took it down and ran across the yard while projectile vomiting. I had to spray perfume on my face to try to get the memory of the stench out. It took a thousand years for the stench to disappear. I have had a HUGE problem with flies this summer before I even got chickens. I think if you can keep the poo under control and the food dry you shouldn't have flies. If you live in front of a huge field where the bulls hang out by your back fence and poo all the time then you have flies no matter what you do. I have NEVER seen the flies like this before. BTW my Dad said he saw that those things work so good because they ATTRACT flies for miles around...not sure if it is true. If someone has a solution I would love it. I was thinking about releasing a hoard of giant toads, or bats, or planting Venus fly traps.
Fly Trap Bags ???

"Fly trap bags" = disgusting bane of my existence. They are neck in neck by the flies themselves. They are these bags you buy for about $5 that have this unbelievably stinky, stinky substance. I was told you can also put tuna in it and as it rots the flies love it. Yum! You fill them with water and try to place them in a location where you will never ever have to be in the same zip code with them. What you end out with is a REALLY STINKY bag full of a mass of wriggling, buzzing drowning, flies. I hung one in my carport and when I couldn't stand another minute of the stinky wriggly buzzzzy thing I took it down and ran across the yard while projectile vomiting. I had to spray perfume on my face to try to get the memory of the stench out. It took a thousand years for the stench to disappear. I have had a HUGE problem with flies this summer before I even got chickens. I think if you can keep the poo under control and the food dry you shouldn't have flies. If you live in front of a huge field where the bulls hang out by your back fence and poo all the time then you have flies no matter what you do. I have NEVER seen the flies like this before. BTW my Dad said he saw that those things work so good because they ATTRACT flies for miles around...not sure if it is true. If someone has a solution I would love it. I was thinking about releasing a hoard of giant toads, or bats, or planting Venus fly traps.

I've tried raking the run, but I would have to rake every few minutes to keep up with all the poo. So I need help with the flies in between the raking. I've not had any problems with this many flies, till the chickens. As long as it all stays on that side of the yard, it would be ok. But I have the coop/run toward the 'side' of the back yard area, and if 'that' neighbor complains (He is the grouchie man) I could be in trouble. It may never get that bad, but I sometimes have to be one step ahead to keep the peace. Plus my hubby is a city boy (and he can be grouchie man, also) He grew up in Cleveland Ohio and has always lived in big cities. I'm from a little bitty town in southern Illinois (pop. 6000) Where pretty much everyone lives in the country.
So outdoors, chickens, hay, straw, etc is all strange and ickie to hubby (he would never use the term ickie) Oh, bugs! He sees one bug, and he goes all nuts. Should have been around the last year I gardened. I had bought ladybugs and before I had a chance to release them, they had to be stored in the fridge. You would have thought that some one had took a dump in his dinner plate!
(I'm not 'allowed' to put 'bugs' in the fridge) I learned, there are things you just don't tell
in order to keep the peace.
Fly Trap Bags ???

"Fly trap bags" = disgusting bane of my existence. They are neck in neck by the flies themselves. They are these bags you buy for about $5 that have this unbelievably stinky, stinky substance. I was told you can also put tuna in it and as it rots the flies love it. Yum! You fill them with water and try to place them in a location where you will never ever have to be in the same zip code with them. What you end out with is a REALLY STINKY bag full of a mass of wriggling, buzzing drowning, flies. I hung one in my carport and when I couldn't stand another minute of the stinky wriggly buzzzzy thing I took it down and ran across the yard while projectile vomiting. I had to spray perfume on my face to try to get the memory of the stench out. It took a thousand years for the stench to disappear. I have had a HUGE problem with flies this summer before I even got chickens. I think if you can keep the poo under control and the food dry you shouldn't have flies. If you live in front of a huge field where the bulls hang out by your back fence and poo all the time then you have flies no matter what you do. I have NEVER seen the flies like this before. BTW my Dad said he saw that those things work so good because they ATTRACT flies for miles around...not sure if it is true. If someone has a solution I would love it. I was thinking about releasing a hoard of giant toads, or bats, or planting Venus fly traps.

Wow. That's a strong opinion. I never smelled them unless I was RIGHT next to them, and they kept my numbers down. In fact, I need to get some this week because for some reason I have a HUGE number of flies right now.
flies would nees some source to lay their larva for hatching. They may gather and be flying around but need some food source. Do neighbors have stinky garbage cans close by? I have noticed that with chickens being able to access my very large manure pile out back I don't have the flies like I used to. When you have horses you get flies. The hens make a daily treck to the garbage cans looking for larva and I have barn swallows that do an awesome job on flying insects. I can stand their pooping in the barn aisle way since the bug problem is much better.

I have used the stinky fly traps too and I just make sure to hang it where I don't hang out. I would not put one in the run. If it can attract the flies based on smell I would think hanging it away from the coop would be the ticket. It keeps the smell away from where you are and makes the flies gather away from the run as well. They are cheap so its worth a try. Don't like it you can toss it. Check out your local farm store like Wilco in Battle Ground. They should have more than the one option. Horse barn folks have been trying to get rid of flies for years.
"Fly trap bags" = disgusting bane of my existence. They are neck in neck by the flies themselves. They are these bags you buy for about $5 that have this unbelievably stinky, stinky substance. I was told you can also put tuna in it and as it rots the flies love it. Yum! You fill them with water and try to place them in a location where you will never ever have to be in the same zip code with them. What you end out with is a REALLY STINKY bag full of a mass of wriggling, buzzing drowning, flies. I hung one in my carport and when I couldn't stand another minute of the stinky wriggly buzzzzy thing I took it down and ran across the yard while projectile vomiting. I had to spray perfume on my face to try to get the memory of the stench out. It took a thousand years for the stench to disappear. I have had a HUGE problem with flies this summer before I even got chickens. I think if you can keep the poo under control and the food dry you shouldn't have flies. If you live in front of a huge field where the bulls hang out by your back fence and poo all the time then you have flies no matter what you do. I have NEVER seen the flies like this before. BTW my Dad said he saw that those things work so good because they ATTRACT flies for miles around...not sure if it is true. If someone has a solution I would love it. I was thinking about releasing a hoard of giant toads, or bats, or planting Venus fly traps.

Wow. That's a strong opinion. I never smelled them unless I was RIGHT next to them, and they kept my numbers down. In fact, I need to get some this week because for some reason I have a HUGE number of flies right now.

I have to agree. They smell bad but only if you are right next to them. However, last summer when the wind kicked up here in the late afternoon each day, I would get a whiff of one we had under the back porch area. The flies seem to love it there for some reason. That was nasty but they did work. The fly traps really do not for me and the tape, well, I ended stuck to it myself!
Wow. That's a strong opinion. I never smelled them unless I was RIGHT next to them, and they kept my numbers down. In fact, I need to get some this week because for some reason I have a HUGE number of flies right now.

I have to agree. They smell bad but only if you are right next to them. However, last summer when the wind kicked up here in the late afternoon each day, I would get a whiff of one we had under the back porch area. The flies seem to love it there for some reason. That was nasty but they did work. The fly traps really do not for me and the tape, well, I ended stuck to it myself!

I don't know. These that I had definitely had a strong odor when I put them under my carport. The others I had were on the very back fence. I would get the heaves when I would be back their planting listening to hundreds of flies buzzzing... How far back do you have to go with them? Even with them we still had a lot of flies. I've thought about buying a hundred of them and putting them on their property so I don't have to smell/hear them. I have never seen a person back there once in four months they would probably never notice. I feel kind of jealous of them. Their cattle like to hang out right next to my fence. So I get their flies. They are probably sitting on their back porch enjoying a fly free day...because I have their flies.
The sticky tapes work well, but they don't work in the sunlight or anywhere that there is dust. If they get dust on the glue, it doesn't stick any more.

I like the disposable fly trap bags. They kill a huge number of flies if you hang them at the right height. They work better in the shade.

I suspect that your flies aren't coming from the chickens, because the chickens will scratch and eat the fly larva out of the poop, so there is nothing left to hatch. However, the chickens will attract in flies from other areas.

My ducks will eat flies, but they are hard to catch. Your chickens probably eat flies, too, but can only catch the occasional one.

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