Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

I don't know about the Vancouver area, but there is an AMAZING chicken vet at North Portland Vet, Dr. Weinstein http://www.northportlandvet.com/who-we-are/meet-our-veterinarian/ross-weinstein-bvsc/

, I would separate her out. A friend of mine is dealing with this right now too, we couldn't find anything wrong with her, and she is slowly getting better in confinement where she cannot injure the leg further. Good luck!!
I don't know about the Vancouver area, but there is an AMAZING chicken vet at North Portland Vet, Dr. Weinstein http://www.northportlandvet.com/who-we-are/meet-our-veterinarian/ross-weinstein-bvsc/

, I would separate her out. A friend of mine is dealing with this right now too, we couldn't find anything wrong with her, and she is slowly getting better in confinement where she cannot injure the leg further. Good luck!!

Thanks, I'll do that first thing in the morning. They get so mad if I disturb them at night. I used to open up their coop and check them, now Hef hollers at me. So I have stopped doing that. I just count 'heads' when I herd them back into their run. If they don't want to go in the coop, I just let them (for now). I figured when it gets really cold they will go in or that's when I'll have to re-start my 'night inspections.'
I'm sorry to hear that Paula
I have one hen like that too - a little partridge cochin. She has been limping all summer, just basically drags her foot around but can sometimes use it to push off on. She gets around very quickly and easily so I have just let her be. I might have to put her in the garage for the winter, but I'm playing it by ear. I have no idea what happened to her to make her lame. I'm thinking she might have got her leg caught on a roost or maybe one of the bigger birds stepped on her. No idea
I'm sorry to hear that Paula
I have one hen like that too - a little partridge cochin. She has been limping all summer, just basically drags her foot around but can sometimes use it to push off on. She gets around very quickly and easily so I have just let her be. I might have to put her in the garage for the winter, but I'm playing it by ear. I have no idea what happened to her to make her lame. I'm thinking she might have got her leg caught on a roost or maybe one of the bigger birds stepped on her. No idea

I'm always scared that I will step on them! They all come running to me when I'm outside. I quess that is the trouble with making them 'pets'. Jim is hoping they won't do that to him. He wants to keep them in their run. (I let them out during the daytime, to run in the backyard.) They like sitting with me on the deck.
Jim hates that too. (they poop on the deck.) They only go on the deck when I'm out or when they go to the back door looking for me (after I've gone inside) I don't think he will have any problems. They are a little afraid of Jim. He doesn't have much to do with them. So he is just a stranger to them(the chickens)
I think he wants to keep it that way.
But Libby (the limping hen) is getting around pretty good also. She wasn't limping yesterday. So what ever happen, had to have happen last night or early this morning. (while she was locked up in the run) I think she will be ok, I am a worrier.
It just made me realize that I don't know of any local vets that see chickens. I may have to get out a phone book and start making calls.
I'm sorry to hear that Paula
I have one hen like that too - a little partridge cochin. She has been limping all summer, just basically drags her foot around but can sometimes use it to push off on. She gets around very quickly and easily so I have just let her be. I might have to put her in the garage for the winter, but I'm playing it by ear. I have no idea what happened to her to make her lame. I'm thinking she might have got her leg caught on a roost or maybe one of the bigger birds stepped on her. No idea

I'm always scared that I will step on them! They all come running to me when I'm outside. I quess that is the trouble with making them 'pets'. Jim is hoping they won't do that to him. He wants to keep them in their run. (I let them out during the daytime, to run in the backyard.) They like sitting with me on the deck.
Jim hates that too. (they poop on the deck.) They only go on the deck when I'm out or when they go to the back door looking for me (after I've gone inside) I don't think he will have any problems. They are a little afraid of Jim. He doesn't have much to do with them. So he is just a stranger to them(the chickens)
I think he wants to keep it that way.
But Libby (the limping hen) is getting around pretty good also. She wasn't limping yesterday. So what ever happen, had to have happen last night or early this morning. (while she was locked up in the run) I think she will be ok, I am a worrier.
It just made me realize that I don't know of any local vets that see chickens. I may have to get out a phone book and start making calls.

I know what you mean - I'm a worrier too though I am trying very hard to stop it lol. I end up driving myself nuts! There are no vets down here for chickens. I always get referred to an exotic vet, who ends up knowing nothing about chickens. I'm very happy with my current vet because she is at least willing to see my chickens and learn. She is the one who put Ceci down for me last month and told me that she has seen several chickens for a lot of different things so is learning more. I keep saying that if I were younger I'd go back to college and be a chicken vet because the market is here! I hope your little one will be ok like my girl. I was worried she would be at the bottom of the pecking order but she holds her own and fights for those treats!
I'm not sure how the pecking order works, but Libby(short for Liberty) is the biggest! Biggest chicken out of the whole bunch! Even bigger than the 2 roos (Hef and the silkie roo, Moe) The ducks are the only 2 that are bigger than her and they are afraid of her. That is why I thought I might keep an eye on her and remove her for a day or two. I don't want this injury to make her go down on that 'order' list. She isn't 'aggressive', so it might not take much. She is just a 'big' size girl.
I'm not sure how the pecking order works, but Libby(short for Liberty) is the biggest! Biggest chicken out of the whole bunch! Even bigger than the 2 roos (Hef and the silkie roo, Moe) The ducks are the only 2 that are bigger than her and they are afraid of her. That is why I thought I might keep an eye on her and remove her for a day or two. I don't want this injury to make her go down on that 'order' list. She isn't 'aggressive', so it might not take much. She is just a 'big' size girl.

I had a hen like that earlier this summer, I seperated her, gave her poly-visol drops in her beak once and then electrolite (sp) probotic water and soaked crumble with hardboiled egg. Just alround TLC for 2 or 3 days. she popped right out of it. I did not think that any of it could hurt her. She is a beautiful little golden-laced cochin banty. Kate
Her mate is William.
Ok, oh wise ones. I need advice. I ended up with a Red Star and an EE. They are three weeks old today. I had thought I might keep them, but they kept pecking my poor Banty Polishes head. So they have been seperated from my banties. I am worried that this won't go away because the ee is a million times bigger than my Polish. The Red Star is only 100 times bigger. BUt the little punk rock hair will always be below eye level for them. SOOO....should I put an add on CL and rehome them now, should I wait until October and bring them in October should I wait until they are POL??? Or is their hope that they may decide that they don't love to gnosh on little polish heads...?

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