Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

She is a cutie pie! I had thought when I bought her that she was lavender, but she looks blue now. I don' t know if there is a lot of difference.... She is really sweet and is outside now with her teen friends. She has great cheek feathers coming in. I will try to get a pic of her soon.

Cool. Glad she stayed a "she"! LOL I'm pretty good at sexing pea combed birds early, every once in a while a slow boy will get the best of me, but not too often.
Yep, blue babies are a lot darker than lavs.
I'd love to see pics of her now, and again when she's older. I want to show my friend that now owns the mama. Also can't wait to see what color eggs she lays, she hatched out of a pinkish egg with white speckles on it, and daddy hatched from blue.
She was SUCH a fluffy chick when she hatched! Might be the fluffiest one I've ever hatched!!

That is a great skill to have! I can never tell with them! LOL

She is still pretty fluffy, and a little on the light side for a blue, so you never know how she will turn out. I will try to get a pic today.
I have been keeping an eye on one of my year and a half old white leghorn hens. She has not looked quite right or laid an egg for about a week. Last night found her outside the coop instead of inside roosting with the clan. Picked her up, put her on the roost and she fell off So, she is currently on my kitchen floor on a towel, will eat a little yoghurt and chopped egg but I do not think she is drinking. She pooped a bunch of roundworms just a minute ago, AHA. So, hubby is bringing home Wazine, any ideas on how to get her to drink the medicated water? If I syringe it into her, I am afraid I may shoot the water to the wrong place, any ideas would be appreciated!
I also posted this in the Emergencies section but thought one of you might have some insight
I'd assume chicken's anatomy is similar to a parrots, so the esophagus should be the pipe on the left when the bird is facing you. I've hand fed once and was told to always feed with the right hand, into the mouth facing my left, the bird's right. But a hungry baby bird will lunge the syringe and would swallow it if they could... for chickens i usually just dribble water along their beaks and they have to swallow but you spill a lot.
LOL I love that smiley

And yes, I do what silkiechicken does. It makes a mess but it's better than the alternative. Trust me, I know. I've killed one of my chickens and a chick by shooting too much liquid in the wrong place

It's pink for pullet power!

I'd assume chicken's anatomy is similar to a parrots, so the esophagus should be the pipe on the left when the bird is facing you. I've hand fed once and was told to always feed with the right hand, into the mouth facing my left, the bird's right. But a hungry baby bird will lunge the syringe and would swallow it if they could... for chickens i usually just dribble water along their beaks and they have to swallow but you spill a lot.

Thanks much everyone!! Wish me luck

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