Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

I have eggs sitting around waiting for me to decide to put them in the incubator. They were given to me and I'm not sure I want to deal with it now because I have strategically planned out where everyone is going to be after the swap. I thought I'd be done for a while. OTH I can't let them go to waste. What do I do?
More chaos or some calm time? I think they're all bantams: RIR, Brahmas, leghorns
Well, you know what I'm voting for...more chaos lol. I'm in the same boat, but not with eggs. I'm getting a trio and possibly a pair of quality seramas, ones that I CANNOT pass up, so my plan for "after the swap" placements is shot too
Back to cage making hubby
Well, you know what I'm voting for...more chaos lol. I'm in the same boat, but not with eggs. I'm getting a trio and possibly a pair of quality seramas, ones that I CANNOT pass up, so my plan for "after the swap" placements is shot too
Back to cage making hubby

Well, you know what I'm voting for...more chaos lol. I'm in the same boat, but not with eggs. I'm getting a trio and possibly a pair of quality seramas, ones that I CANNOT pass up, so my plan for "after the swap" placements is shot too
Back to cage making hubby


It's what I do best. I'm still working on getting you into Seramas. Then my mission will be complete
I just got them today and they are from a hatchery since they are feed store chicks. All of my BRs are from the feed store and I've been happy with them. They are great layers, feather out nicely and are super friendly birds. I don't really know much about breeder or sq for BRs so I can't answer to those things. And yes, they are 3 days old now, so 3 weeks by the swap, give or take?

Wow, I feel so 'chatty' tonight! LOL
I'm not looking for show quality BR's, and don't know enough about it all to recognize breeder quality either, but I guess I want a good representative of the breed. What you describe yours as sounds just fine for me, but I'm not sure about the age.
I have a group of blue rocks in the brooder now that are about 2 weeks older than your new little ones, and I would want to add the BR's to those, so I was hoping for closer to the same age. What are your thoughts on that age spread? Mine will be 5 weeks old then. Once they are done with quarantine, would that age difference not be significant?

All this is something I'm still deciding on. I'm not even 100% sure yet if I want to add any BR's at all......so it's tentative at this point.

Do you have any pics of your adult BR hens that you have gotten from the feed store?

Here are a couple photos of my two girls. Ceci is a special needs hen so she lives inside and the other is our "Ava". She is my daughter's favorite. She honks instead of clucks and walks around the run like she is queen. She is the most loving and silly bird. I didn't take one of her this morning because my birds are molting and it's not a pretty sight lol.



All I can say personally about the difference between HQ and BQ/SQ is from what I saw at the Ohio National last year. The ones at the show had more defined barring. I'm sure there are other differences, but that is what struck me the most. They just seemed crisper in appearance. Lol probably a bad word to use when talking about chickens
I think it all depends what you want them for. Other than my Seramas, mine are pets and for eggs.

It's fine, just let me know. I probably won't bring them to the swap since they are so young unless someone is definitely going to take them. Worse case, I'll put them on craigslist next month or I'll put them out with my girls in June.
You know I am close and have the sportsman, you can throw them in there and then come get whatever decides to hatch...if you want to deal with chicks...if not I guess you are having some omelets tomorrow!
OK so I am totaly excited about coming down finaly got the ok for the day off hard to do when you work weekends hehehehe But I DID IT
so i am sure on one of the pages we have here there is a address so if someone could point it out or post agian that would be lovely.
I just got new babies but what can i say my honey likes them as much as i doo. And now we have two baby ducks who need a couple friends this will be such a fun day.

i am even bringing my mom she will have such a blast
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