Oregon Spring Poultry Swap May 5, 2012 in Canby!!!

I believe these two are from a breeder. I got them from a local 4-H kid who wanted to show them, but they had some feathers on their legs when they were little. They don't seem to have the extra feathers anymore, not sure if that would make a difference to anyone or not. I really like them, they were a lot of fun to raise but I am not liking the bantam breeds much. It is important that they go together they are super bonded and get upset when not together. Hope this helps!
Haha, It's a pretty small world! I think that "local 4-H kid" you got them from is me
Actually I'm not in 4-H, but yes they had feathers on their legs when they hatched and I want to breed away from that. You say that their feathers are gone now? Hmmm, that is interesting.
I just hatched 4 chicks from the same parents that all had clean legs so I'm pretty happy with that, but those 2 little feather legged sure stumped me!
Wow, this is a small world! They are turning out to be beautiful birds! We love them very much, I am still on the fence about parting with them. Bantams just seem to be alot more flighty than I like, even with daily handling.
Wow, this is a small world! They are turning out to be beautiful birds! We love them very much, I am still on the fence about parting with them. Bantams just seem to be alot more flighty than I like, even with daily handling.
B RIR are not. In my opinion they are calmer than the LF RIR.
They are much calmer than the standard RIR. Bantam Leghorns are also very calm and friendly, unlike the Standard Leghorns. Bantam sussex are also quite calm.
I have a few birds that I am looking to find homes for. They are pet birds that don't meet the breed standards or are crosses. They will make good 4-H birds, though or very nice pets.

Lucy: She was shipped to us by accident with an order of meat birds. I'm not certain of her breed, but she appears to be either a Bantam Welsumer. She is not a small bantam, but not a large fowl either. Sort of in between. she is very friendly and will do most anything for a treat. A good showmanship prospect. $5.00

Henna: A bantam Favorelle cross that is a very interesting color. She has feathered legs and is quite easy to handle. She will make a good 4-H bird or a pet for those wanting to add a cool color to their flock. $5.00

Johnny: A pure breed Salmon Favorelle I got from Peacedove. He is very sweet and friendly, but my other roos pick on him. He will make a good 4-H bird, but he is very heavy to hold for a long time. He is free to whomever can give him a good home.

The Boys: 3 bantam cochin/ bantam Brahma cross cockerals. They are very cool colors and very friendly birds. They will make good 4-H birds and are quite beautiful. I have two light brahma patterned boys and one blue salmon type patterned bird. These guys are free to whomever is interested. I do want to see them be pets at least.

One of the Blue Birchen/Salmon Cohin boys.

The Light Brahma/Columbian marked cochin boy on his harness.


Lucy in the bottom of the picture.
My new list for the swap...

- Blue and Black Bantam Plymouth Rock hatching eggs/chicks/started birds (it all depends on what I can hatch from now until swap time.)
- Possibly bringing some bantam Barnevelder cockerels (hopefully I will be rid of them by then though!)

- small-medium pet crates
- BBS Bantam Plymouth Rock hatching eggs/chicks/adults
- Bantam Barnevelder chicks/pullets
- Some friendly bantam pullet for my brother to use for showmanship
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Whistle Creek Farm

Planning to Bring:
Pet/SQ/BQ Ameraucana Hens
Pet/BQ Silver Penciled Wyandontte Hen
SQ/BQ Sicilian Buttercup Hen
Raw Alpaca Fiber - not the cleanest - different colors to choose from-(If any one is interested in a whole fleece)
Possible Goats Milk
Possible Registered and Non Registered Nigerian Dwarf Kids-(If none available, will have open reservations for other May and July kids wethers,bucks,does)

SQ/BQ Breeding Pairs of:
Mille Fleur D'uccle, Black Mottled D'uccle, Standard Salmon Faverolle, Porcelain D'uccle, Black Mottled Cochin.

SQ/BQ Pullets or Hens:
Black Mottled Cochin, Wheaten Ameraucana, Frizzle Polish, Bantam Polish, Black Copper Maran,
Blue Silkie, Partrige Silkie, Olive Eggers,Cochin-(No Solid Colors).

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