
Thanks! The dogs aren't out too often with the chickens & not when we are gone. They are definitely not left unsupervised now.
Today the chickens were inside though, so it wasn't them. It was quite strange since we have huge floor to ceiling windows and were home at the time. I would have thought the dogs would have heard a cat, so maybe it was a hawk. Hmmm...quite a mystery.
Thanks for your insight.

Cats are very quite and sneaky. A hawk would have tore the bird up.
Last November, I had a BSL pullet who got killed by a hawk or possibly a owl. Owls leave nothing behind, same with hawks. All that was left of the pullet was blood on the outside of the coop and 1 feather.

Wow, so sorry. It's amazing how more aware I am of all the wildlife now! We have tons of squirrels every day, at least 20. I didn't notice Ny today now that I think of it.
I just wonder why it just got a nick on the leg & they all got away. I think we would have heard it but maybe not. Out dogs have seemed to of kept the cats away but they were inside during the second attack.

It may have have been a little leery on the first attack not knowing how well the Silkie would fight back and just snagged it with a claw. Could have been scared off by something before more damage was done. Will be great to see what the trail cam shows! Do both if you can, trail cam and trap. You want to catch and get rid of whatever it is.
Please keep us posted.

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