
Anyone ever order chicks from a hatchery? Any ideas of best times to order? I heard they come to the post office? Do they usually make it etc.?
First thing. What do you want from the birds? If you just want egg layers or meaties then hatchery birds are fine. On the other hand IF you want true to the breed birds that you may want to breed / show. then go to a breeder.

I have not ordered from Hatcheries but have heard that many have min orders of like 25. Yes they come in the mail to your P.O.
You may have missed the time to order for some hatcheries. See spring is the time.

Hope some of this helps. Good luck.
Anyone ever order chicks from a hatchery? Any ideas of best times to order? I heard they come to the post office? Do they usually make it etc.?
I ordered mine from "My Pet Chicken". I just picked them up from the post office this morning. For the most part they seem fine. This company you can order year round, and their minimum order is 3.
I really don't have many right now. I currently only have 20 LF birds, 14 LF chicks, 3 Silkies, 4 B Favs and 3 B fav chicks. This weekend I will also have B Salmon Favs and B Buff Fav. I also own both of the birds on this logo. They are Fudge and Peaches. Thanks to Cloverleaf Farm.
Ha ha wow! Those are gorgeous birds! And I have 6. Lol. But I do live right in the downtown area. It's a semi- rural community. But we are only allowed 6. :)
I got my first shell-less egg last night. Looked like a jelly fish in the run. Too funny. I only have 2 out of 6 laying so far. But I think my buff orp is about to start.
Salem/Keizer Oregon here!! Looking for a fledgling for sale, maybe 2?

I need friends for my fledge baby who lost her two sisters to a dog two days ago.

I have a hen who's acting kind of broody but not all day long, she wanders around for a bit in the morning and from late afternoon till end of day but middle of day she sits on the nest even if their is nothing in it and puffs up and tries to bite anything that gets close. I took her out today and put her on the ground assuming she'd go right back to the nest but she went on about the rest of her day. she's only been laying for about a month. should i do anything about it or just hope it gets better in a few weeks? we dont have any roosters or plan to hatch any more chicks. she's a speckled sussex about 6 months old. thanks, lisa in albany

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