
Sussex tend to be undersized.  And since you mentioned wanting good show birds for 4-H as well, they don't judge on temperament, these are livestock animals, not pets.  Breed from the best and biggest bird would be my advice.  It will benefit you more in show room and on the table.
Thanks Matt, from what I have read on the different Sussex forums, even the better breeders have small Sussex compared to the apa standard! My birds run around a lot. I'm going to experiment with feed to get their size up. I agree that size needs to be a point of work on this breed, but I'm curious how much genetics plays into the size factor compared to the birds lifestyle. I have a nice faverolle that keeps his tail low and I can't get an accurate assessment of him without getting rid of some of my bigger meaner Sussex...thanks again for your help :)
Sussex tend to be undersized. And since you mentioned wanting good show birds for 4-H as well, they don't judge on temperament, these are livestock animals, not pets. Breed from the best and biggest bird would be my advice. It will benefit you more in show room and on the table.

I am a 4-Her and even if it is a nice quality bird if can be a real pain to get an aggressive cock or cokerel out of a cage. My friend took a nice cochin to fair but had to have me take it out of the cage because it was so mean at times she didn't want to touch it. Just a thought.

I would think about whether or not the large cockerel has any aggressive tendencies and whether or not comparatively it has the same qualities as the friendly one besides size.

BGMatt is right about the judges don't judge on temperament but you have to deal with the bird at home.

I would maybe keep the large one if he is nice quality not just size and if no aggressive tendencies have appeared.

Hope this helps,
I would breed for friendly too - you can breed for size later down the line, but if you have a sweet friendly roo, it is a KEEPER. There is nothing more terrible than a mean vicious obnoxious rooster, not jut because of your kids, but for you also. The pullet I have now hatched from my perfectly gentlemanly roo has been the sweetest, most inquisitive girl since day one, and I hardly ever handled her!
Do any of you guys keep roosters in unincorporated Washington County? This would be places like the outskirts of Beaverton, Aloha, Bethany, Tigard, unincorporated Hillsboro etc.. Are you guys aware that they're signing in an ordinance that bans them completely within urban growth boundaries? http://www.co.washington.or.us/LUT/Divisions/CurrentPlanning/CodeCompliance/roosters.cfm

And here are two news article on it. http://portlandtribune.com/bvt/15-news/161765-neighbors-crow-for-new-rooster-rules
http://www.koin.com/news/washington-county/washington-co-considers-rooster-ban This one has a link to check if your property falls under the boundaries of urban growth/unincorporated etc.

I don't know if it'd help at all, but I've been submitting letters asking for reconsideration of the proposal, or at least considering it being more of a noise ordinance (between certain hours). I keep my roosters in a garage at night and let them out at a reasonable hour. I know other urban rooster keepers have sound proofed their coops, etc. I currently board my roosters in Vancouver but I was hoping to find a rental in Aloha where I could keep them. This ordinance ruins any chance of me being able to live in an urban/suburban area with them. I feel that bringing them in at night is my compromise for being able to have them, and to be respectful of neighbors. They're dear pets of mine so I can't just send them to freezer camp or dump them on craigslist.

If you guys would be interested in contributing to the discussion in a positive and constructive way, you can call or email the board of commissioners here: http://www.co.washington.or.us/BOC/Commissioners/index.cfm

It also feels unfair to me that the general public doesn't know about the passage of these ordinances (or are able to participate!) because I feel there would be many responsible poultry keepers who would have a thing or two to say, as opposed to the one person cheesed enough to rain on everyone else's parade. And then what about all the people who *don't* complain and are ok with the roosters?

I keep my roosters in until sunrise, it is just the neighborly thing to do. Of course I live outside of the urban growth boundary, so it isn't an issue. However, like you said, there is always a small group of people that are opposed to any kind of "noise pollution". You can usually pick them out, they are the ones with the yappy designer dogs that bark all day long. lol.
Burr it's cold out tonight! We came over Willamette Pass late this afternoon and the snow was sure coming down. So glad while we were in the valley today I ran to Target and purchased 4 clear shower liners for $2.24 each. We are using them to cover our run tomorrow.....sure hope it keeps the wind, rain and snow out of the run.

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