
Sure, but first what is it?
Look at avatar. MY avatar.
Also what is your website?
I will make it is what I meant.
Went by CO Ranch Supply today. I can order me some Jungle Fowl, so I ordered two of each (Thailand and Saipan), two SLW, two BLRW, and two Polish (preferably SL, but will take BCW or blue).

Also went by Big R and picked up four clean legged banties...

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This is in Washington but thought y'all might want to see it.

This outbreak alert has been sent to present and former NPIP producers to confirm the diagnosis of very virulent Infectious Bursal Disease virus in Washington State .

WSDA received laboratory confirmation of vvIBDV (PCR and molecular sequencing), in an outbreak affecting 6 week old chickens in Thurston County. I recommend enhanced biosecurity to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission. This is the first time vvIBDV has been diagnosed in Washington State. We do not know the source of this outbreak in Washington. In California, Dr. Maurice Pitesky (University of California, Davis, Cooperative Extension poultry specialist) has reported that transmission has been linked to exhibition poultry purchased from Craig's list. Information on vvIBDV can be found at the California CVMA and WSU AHFS lab facebook web sites below.

Sincerely, Lyndon


WSU AHFS lab facebook


Lyndon Badcoe BVSc, MVS, DVSc

Avian Health Veterinarian and Epidemiologist

Washington State Department of Agriculture

1111 Washington St. SE

Olympia WA 98504

Office phone: 360-725-5763

Fax: 360-902-2087

Cell phone: 360-507-6219

E-mail: [email protected]

WSDA Avian Health Program NPIP: http://agr.wa.gov/FoodAnimal/AvianHealth/AvianNPIP.aspx
What is your opinion on this? My understanding is that adult birds can not get it and it is only transmitted orally through eating the feces of an infected bird. Planning for my first show in April in WA and not thinking I need to be overly concerned about this. As a precaution the exhibitors could put plexi-glass panels between the show cages so poop from another bird could not get kicked into your birds show cage.

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