
My turkeys are in the straw...(sounds like a song). And once we get another bigger enclosure for them, I need to get them a MAN! Boy it has been noisy around here, with the girls yelping their heads off calling in every wild tom in the area. There were 5 gobbling back and forth, with one crossing the road to the garden fence, another on the hill behind us and others farther off. Gotta love spring with the bully frogs booming away.
Ive been hearing about sand and straw, so Im wondering since we have a pretty small run (only 4 hens) and they will be out in the yard most of the time what would be the most practical for a smallish space?
I've been having so many problems with my little chicks. Another one popped up today. I'm pretty sure some of my chickens are sick. I have a little EE that I'm pretty sure is a roo. Kinda bummed about that, but today he was sneezing clear snot on me and wiping his beak on my shoulder while sitting on there. I've noticed sometimes the juvenile chicks will beak wipe in protest of being picked up (medical attention),but this seemed to be nose wiping perhaps.
There is no eye discharge, plenty of energy, hearty appetites, etc. His nose also isn't running, but he does end up snotting me when he sneezes. I just noticed it sneeze about 2 days ago, but that's about when I started to have the little one sit on my shoulder to let them get used to me. I was hoping it was a fluke.
Any advice? My mind of course jumps to incurable illnesses that require me to cull all 16 little birds.. Any good vets that could talk to me over the phone and at least let me know if it sounds Iike I need to bring it in or not?
I can't believe this has been such a stressful thing to start up. :hit
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I've been having so many problems with my little chicks. Another one popped up today. I'm pretty sure some of my chickens are sick. I have a little EE that I'm pretty sure is a roo. Kinda bummed about that, but today he was sneezing clear snot on me and wiping his beak on my shoulder while sitting on there. I've noticed sometimes the juvenile chicks will beak wipe in protest of being picked up (medical attention),but this seemed to be nose wiping perhaps.
There is no eye discharge, plenty of energy, hearty appetites, etc. His nose also isn't running, but he does end up snotting me when he sneezes. I just noticed it sneeze about 2 days ago, but that's about when I started to have the little one sit on my shoulder to let them get used to me. I was hoping it was a fluke.
Any advice? My mind of course jumps to incurable illnesses that require me to cull all 16 little birds.. Any good vets that could talk to me over the phone and at least let me know if it sounds Iike I need to bring it in or not?
I can't believe this has been such a stressful thing to start up.

I would isolate all the sneezers and put them all on a mild antibiotic. Tetroxy HCA-280, 1/4 tsp. per gallon of water. After a few days you should see some improvement. Remember to replace the water mixture every 24 hours.
I've been having so many problems with my little chicks. Another one popped up today. I'm pretty sure some of my chickens are sick. I have a little EE that I'm pretty sure is a roo. Kinda bummed about that, but today he was sneezing clear snot on me and wiping his beak on my shoulder while sitting on there. I've noticed sometimes the juvenile chicks will beak wipe in protest of being picked up (medical attention),but this seemed to be nose wiping perhaps.
There is no eye discharge, plenty of energy, hearty appetites, etc. His nose also isn't running, but he does end up snotting me when he sneezes. I just noticed it sneeze about 2 days ago, but that's about when I started to have the little one sit on my shoulder to let them get used to me. I was hoping it was a fluke.
Any advice? My mind of course jumps to incurable illnesses that require me to cull all 16 little birds.. Any good vets that could talk to me over the phone and at least let me know if it sounds Iike I need to bring it in or not?
I can't believe this has been such a stressful thing to start up.
Good advice from Sonja73...isolate those sick chicks. My question is this...what type of heat source are you using for your brooder? Could they have gotten chilled somehow or was this problem apparent when you first got them?

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