
When I got shipped eggs I was told to just let them sit on my desk for the day. When I was collecting eggs to set in the incubator I just left them on the counter and our inside temp is right about 70°, they sat there for 3 or 4 days and there was no problem.
Hope someone with more experiance chimes in with more info.
Oh, I think I miss read your question..... you want to know room temp. while resting your eggs for a couple of days before putting in the incubator? I agree with OR4-HMom, 70 deg. or so should be fine. For longer storage, I believe that 55 - 65 is more ideal but warmer should be just fine.
I don't know if there is an ideal room temp., just that it should be stable with no drafts, direct sunlight, etc. This time of year our thermostat is set at 70 ish and I just leave it alone when the inc. is running, in the summer the heater thermostat is turned off and I know the temp in our appartment fluctuates as we live in the top of a metal barn but there is nothing we can do about that. I seem to have consistent hatches regardless. I use a hovabator genesis (styrofoam bator).

When I got shipped eggs I was told to just let them sit on my desk for the day. When I was collecting eggs to set in the incubator I just left them on the counter and our inside temp is right about 70°, they sat there for 3 or 4 days and there was no problem.
Hope someone with more experiance chimes in with more info.

Thanks guys
Let me look at my girls today. I have one lovely pullet but I am not sure I like her egg enough to breed her. It has very dark speckles but often looks uneven, hard to describe. She just can't seem to get the paint figured out but I keep hoping as she lays a lot and the egg is large. She's been laying about 2 months. I also have 3 pullets hatched end of Sept. not laying yet. I would only sell one or all of them if I find white feathers on them. None of my girls have a copper necklass, that is this years project :) Will let you know. Do you need a roo? I have 6 youngsters needing to go.
Oh boy its about time to kick the lil guys n girls out in to the big bad world

Cool! Big day for you! My September chicks are starting the transition to the General Population coop/run. Last night after bedtime we put the California Whites in with the big birds as one of those has already started laying.
Very curious to see how the day goes! Wonder where we'll find eggs.
Good news, I think I've found a home for four of our bantams (the mystery bonded pair and the bonded pair of white cochin male and Mille Fleur d'Uccle female). The cochin and d'Uccle are my favorite little birds, and it is sad to see them go, but the people taking them are super excited and seem to have a really great habitat going. So that makes me smile.

Now I just need to find home for the Sebright pair. Anyone interested? They are very pretty, very dainty birds, but he is TOUGH! He crows all night (doesn't bother us, but fair warning) and he has started being a bit aggressive, I think because he HATES being kept in a cage and wants to run around outside. They were both super sweet when we got them last summer. She is laying ... nice small buff white eggs about 3 times a week through the winter ... the eggs haven't been fertile yet.

This is a terrible picture, but you can see just how lovely this breed is. And these are only "fair" show quality (I gather the lacing is too thick on the body and his tail could use more defined tips) ...

I really wish I could integrate them into my main flock so they could "be chickens," but he went right for our top cock (a full-sized Brown Leghorn) and I'm worried she'll get mated too much (for dominance). Also, our flock seems to be a bit "picky" and these little guys are so delicate looking. I think we just have too many other big chickens for birds this small to be totally safe. My plan was to set up a colony of bantam/small birds, but we just have so much work getting the perfect environment for everyone else that we don't have time/energy/money to set up a whole second habitat and it makes me super, super sad to see them in cages.

Maybe if I'd not been so "precious" about it and just let them work it out ...
hi new hear, I live in hillsboro
I have 7 hens and 2 young roosters, just got a incubator! any one happen to have furtal eggs I can play with:)

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