
I'm so confused. I just want a blue egg chicken. I've been researching everywhere. And I just looked at the healing ponds website, which looks great. But they spelled Americana with an I. And I read somewhere that means they're not true blue egg layers. Is it just a crap shoot? Sigh. I just thought my daughter would get a kick out of a different color egg.
I went to Coastal yesterday in OC to help my family members pick out some good egg laying chickens. They decided to get some after seeing how much I enjoy mine. We got 3, a SLW, a BO, and a Wulsummer. They didn't have a lot of the breeds that they normally have though, so does anyone know what day they get their shipment in each week of new chicks? I wanted to get them some EE's and an Andalusian, but they didn't have any available. Here are their chicks:
Edit: since there was a post in between this is in reply to karenmyrrh.

There are three breeds that lay colored eggs and due to lack of education they get confused for one another and sold interchangably all the time. Let me see if I can simplify this and help you past confusion.

Aracauna - the rumpless, tufted breed that lays blue eggs. Very very rare, you will only find these from breeders.

Ameracauna - these are a bearded and muffed breed with tails and come in standard colors. They will lay a blueish green to green egg. These are a but easier to find than Aracaunas but you will still need to find a breeder.

Easter Eggers - this "breed" is what is sold from hatcheries and feed stores and uneducated people as "Americanas" other mis-spellings, and even often as either of the two true breeds above. It is a cross bred fowl that simply lays a colored egg. I have seen blue, green, red, cream, and other colors from this "breed"

I hope that breakdown helps, I tried to keep it as basic and non-confusing as possible, as this is something many new chicken people get confused about.
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That breakdown does help! Thank you. But I guess I just have to take my chances with what I get. I'll let my daughter choose and name it. She'll love it no matter what. :) she's two and thinks this chicken thing is the best thing ever.
I'm so confused. I just want a blue egg chicken. I've been researching everywhere. And I just looked at the healing ponds website, which looks great. But they spelled Americana with an I. And I read somewhere that means they're not true blue egg layers. Is it just a crap shoot? Sigh. I just thought my daughter would get a kick out of a different color egg.
If you are just looking for a diff color, why not get a EE? The eggs are anywhere from blue to green.
Question for those of you that sell chicks - what do you generally charge? I've got about 30 extra chicks (from hatching and buying assortments) and I don't know what to charge...some are SR, and I have a few Sex-link EE's and Sex-link Marans, the rest are rainbow layers and assorted pures (from a hatchery). They range in age from 8 weeks to 3 weeks. Any suggestions on how to structure my pricing?
That breakdown does help! Thank you. But I guess I just have to take my chances with what I get. I'll let my daughter choose and name it. She'll love it no matter what. :) she's two and thinks this chicken thing is the best thing ever.
I have had 6 feed store EEs from various sources and every one of them lays some shade of blue/green egg; your odds are probably pretty good for some shade of blue egg layer if you go that route. Plus, they are adorably cute with their muffs/beards and you rarely know what the final color pattern will be.
I went to Coastal yesterday in OC to help my family members pick out some good egg laying chickens. They decided to get some after seeing how much I enjoy mine. We got 3, a SLW, a BO, and a Wulsummer. They didn't have a lot of the breeds that they normally have though, so does anyone know what day they get their shipment in each week of new chicks? I wanted to get them some EE's and an Andalusian, but they didn't have any available. Here are their chicks:

Check Wilco in OC, I am pretty sure they have EE's. They just got a new shipment in Friday.
Edit: since there was a post in between this is in reply to karenmyrrh.

There are three breeds that lay colored eggs and due to lack of education they get confused for one another and sold interchangably all the time. Let me see if I can simplify this and help you past confusion.

Aracauna - the rumpless, tufted breed that lays blue eggs. Very very rare, you will only find these from breeders.

Ameracauna - these are a bearded and muffed breed with tails and come in standard colors. They will lay a blueish green to green egg. These are a but easier to find than Aracaunas but you will still need to find a breeder.

Easter Eggers - this "breed" is what is sold from hatcheries and feed stores and uneducated people as "Americanas" other mis-spellings, and even often as either of the two true breeds above. It is a cross bred fowl that simply lays a colored egg. I have seen blue, green, red, cream, and other colors from this "breed"

I hope that breakdown helps, I tried to keep it as basic and non-confusing as possible, as this is something many new chicken people get confused about.

The only thing I would correct about this post is that true Ameraucanas should only lay blue eggs. ;)

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