
I'm thinking about going to the show here in Medford in August. Do we need to band our birds for the show? What size would full grown d'uccles take?

There's a show in Medford? Who puts that on and when in August?

What breed lays red eggs?

In my early days in chickens I had an Easter Egger (yes I am ashamed) that laid pretty red eggs, outside of that I haven't seen any red eggs.
I have had 6 feed store EEs from various sources and every one of them lays some shade of blue/green egg; your odds are probably pretty good for some shade of blue egg layer if you go that route. Plus, they are adorably cute with their muffs/beards and you rarely know what the final color pattern will be.

We have several feed store "Ameracaunas" too. I get a pretty good variety of pale blue, greenish blue, blueish green and darker green eggs from them and each bird is unique -- one doesn't even have a beard. They really brighten up my flock and my egg cartons and give me all the best gossip. There could be some EEs laying non-green eggs, but as I don't sit by the nesting boxes and check attendance I can't actually say.

We also got a few "Ameracauna" roosters as Nelson was hoping to do some colored-egg breeding experiments with them ... they are very pretty birds, and nice enough to handle, but my are they jerks with the flock! There is one still in the cockerel cage, and based on the behavior of all of his brothers, I can't say I was sorry to see my two home-hatched Brown Leghorn boys bully him to the point where now he doesn't come down off the roost in the grow-out coop without a human escort. But having *one* less nasty one of that breed is making me thing he is the one I should integrate into my flock for genetics -- if he doesn't get jerky at the same age the others did. The younger/kinder one is actually pretty cute, but not as flashy as the one Nelson wants to keep -- I'm about out of patience for that one.

I think it is very interesting that the EE females are so sweet and unaggressive yet the males are such jerky jerks. We got them all from the same source.

Speaking of cockerels/roosters, anyone need a male Brown Leghorn?

We also have a couple mutt cockerels in an awkward stage where they are just coming into sexual maturity and picking on each other and losing tail feathers for one of the growth molts ...

... one with feathery legs that is probably from a Golden Sexlink mom and a feather-footed red bantam dad -- he is red with a white tail

... Dwerpy, my favorite, who is obviously from an Easter Egger mother and probably the Brown Leghorn father -- he has a huge floppy combination pea comb so has to cock his head to one side to look, oh how I love that bird but there is no room in our flock for him and we need to make way for turkeys, etc. -- with the pea comb gene he could produce offspring that lay colorful eggs, but don't quote me on that as I'm really confused by genetics

Dwerpy, a few weeks ago

... the two Brown Leghorns who were the Hyper Twins until one got in a fight and has a swollen eye so I can tell them apart today (I gather he pushed Dwerpy once too often as Dwerpy is also sporting some fresh marks)

... the Easter Egger who really puts the "roost" in "rooster" -- he is light colors, lots of white with black points and maybe some brownish/reddish colors going on -- he is also "between tails" at the moment (I need to go shoo the Brown Leghorns out of the coop so he can have a snack before bedtime) -- and he might morph into the prettier/older one if I get sick of Nelson's bird and give this guy a try instead

... a younger Brown Leghorn cockerel (hatched early January).

We hatched all but the EE here (mid October 2012), he we bought from the feed store as a sexed female chick/pullet in September, but ... surprise!

Out of the 8 chicks we've hatched here so far, only one is for sure a female. One of the two we hatched in January is also *probably* a female -- I think s/he would be showing definite maleness by by now if not, but I don't like to count my chickens too early.

So the white speckles you can see anyone know what they are and if so what causes it to happen to much calcium?
HELP. I had a chick with Who i had to clean her tush. Right as i finished cleaning her, her neck seemed to go limp, her eyes closed some and her breathing labored. I got her up and tweeting. .. moving around and thought she was ok. But now as i watch her she is having the same labored breathing and is slow going. What is wrong? What do i do? She is about 1 1/2 weeks old.
Sorry your little chicks not doing well, I would post in the emergency section.

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