
You just call the Dept of Ag and they send an application. they they schedule someone to come out and blood test all your adult birds, anything over 4 months old. The cost is $25 for NPIP certificate and $25 for the farm visit, then .10c a bird. Having the certificate allows you to mail your birds to all states, used for show, etc. Plus, it's REALLY neat to say that there are 2000 strains of salmonella, and my birds tested negative for ALL OF THEM!
Hi everyone! The other day I went to Wilco to help a family member who has no experience with chickens to pick out some good breeds of chicks for egg laying. I got them 2 EE's, 1 BR, 1 Delaware and 1 SS. Long story short, I'm going to be raising them until they can go outside due to a fatality they had already with one of the ones from Coastal. Today I was looking at them and noticed the BR was missing a whole ton of fluff on her rump area. I think she may have had this when we bought her, but had a mild case of pasty butt that wasn't covering her vent so I just let it be. Here it is tonight:

Other than missing all the fluff, this girl is doing great and running around with the other chicks.
there are rough and can be scratched off
Then they are extra shell being deposited on the outside, I get them once in a while especially in spring time when they are just starting to lay again. some hens are more prone to it I think. On brown eggs they are darker brown than the eggshell.
Got my last 3 girls tonight. A buff Orpington named Eugene. The amercauna named daisy and an as of yet unnamed cuckoo marans. They're pets so whatever they lay will be just fine. Thank you everyone for your help. Now the real worry begins right?!? So excited!

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