
Wow, that's quite the collection! What do you do with so many? Sell, show?
I am just outside Springfield!

Well, we mostly have do many because my dad is addicted to buying them, although that helped me convince them to allow me to get my ducks. My dad is planning on selling some once they get older, what happened is they some chickens of each breed, but want nice ones so they bought like 6 of each breed so we have a better chance at them.
Do you guys think my girls are big enough to leave them out FRing. I have been freaked out about cats since about 3 weeks ago when they first went outside I was letting them FR and found a neighbor cat perched on our fence smacking her lips :( So I haven't been letting them out unless they are supervised. But they are substantially bigger now. What do you all more experienced chicken peeps think? My SIL just lost a chicken to a raccoon, but they were stupidly leaving their coop open ALL of the time, even at night. Thanks!!
Do you guys think my girls are big enough to leave them out FRing. I have been freaked out about cats since about 3 weeks ago when they first went outside I was letting them FR and found a neighbor cat perched on our fence smacking her lips :( So I haven't been letting them out unless they are supervised. But they are substantially bigger now. What do you all more experienced chicken peeps think? My SIL just lost a chicken to a raccoon, but they were stupidly leaving their coop open ALL of the time, even at night. Thanks!!
if they are bigger i would let them out but still keep an eye on them every now and then and always lock them up at nigth.
I have 5 hens and 6 cats. The hens at 6 month old could and would chaste the cats and peck them. I think once they are big enough cats are not a problem, in my experience. Dogs and raccoons are another story all together and I would keep them separated.
Do you guys think my girls are big enough to leave them out FRing. I have been freaked out about cats since about 3 weeks ago when they first went outside I was letting them FR and found a neighbor cat perched on our fence smacking her lips :( So I haven't been letting them out unless they are supervised. But they are substantially bigger now. What do you all more experienced chicken peeps think? My SIL just lost a chicken to a raccoon, but they were stupidly leaving their coop open ALL of the time, even at night. Thanks!!
Look to the sky ! ! ! Hawks and eagles are probably yer biggest threat for FR birds.
Hello everybody! I'm a brand new newbie from Portland. My BF and I are currently shopping for a house, and hope to be moved in this summer. We are looking forward to getting chickens at the new house! In Portland (as I'm sure you guys know) we can have up to 4 hens. I've been reading, reading, reading about what breeds would be best for us, and I'm leaning towards a Cuckoo Maran, Golden Campine, Barred Plymouth Rock, Speckled Sussex.... basically the loud-colored spotty ones with clean legs! Egg volume isn't super important, but being friendly is. We plan on getting 4 chicks at the same time and being sure to handle them (gently) often, so they are used to us and such.

He's great with building things, so we will find coop plans online and build it ourselves - I can't wait! I think we will plan on attending the swap in Canby on April 27th, just so we can meet some people and see birds in person... With only getting to have 4 birds total, we need to make sure we pick right the first time. I used to be very active in showing horses, so the ability to take some of our hens to shows is very appealing to me as well!

Looking forward to getting to know you guys! :)
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Ok y'all I have a roo with a bum leg ice had him in isolation for about a month now and no improvement I've also played around with it and tryedbto get the hip back in place so any suggestions on last efforts to fix him or what would be the most humane way to cull never had to do it yet Dont want to but he can't be a happy chicken and b wot the girls not fair to him sad day.....
Hello everybody! I'm a brand new newbie from Portland. My BF and I are currently shopping for a house, and hope to be moved in this summer. We are looking forward to getting chickens at the new house! In Portland (as I'm sure you guys know) we can have up to 4 hens. I've been reading, reading, reading about what breeds would be best for us, and I'm leaning towards a Cuckoo Maran, Golden Campine, Barred Plymouth Rock, Speckled Sussex.... basically the loud-colored spotty ones with clean legs! Egg volume isn't super important, but being friendly is. We plan on getting 4 chicks at the same time and being sure to handle them (gently) often, so they are used to us and such.

He's great with building things, so we will find coop plans online and build it ourselves - I can't wait! I think we will plan on attending the swap in Canby on April 27th, just so we can meet some people and see birds in person... With only getting to have 4 birds total, we need to make sure we pick right the first time. I used to be very active in showing horses, so the ability to take some of our hens to shows is very appealing to me as well!

Looking forward to getting to know you guys! :)
Welcome from a few minutes north! Not sure if you know but there is a show at the fairgrounds right up the road in Ridgefield, WA this Saturday April 20, that would be a good place to scope out chickens and meet the local chicken folk as well.
Zanna, are those Delaware chicks from Kathy? If so, she has some beautiful birds and congrats!!
Yes, I lucked out and got 21 of her F-4's, just happened to be on the computer at the right moment, literally! They look like little cornish cross chunkers!!! Can't wait till they grow up and thanks for the congrats, I am super excited about them!!!! Can't you tell??

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