
Terri I sure wish I could go and meet you...but I have dog shows in Vancouver all weekend!! It would have been nice to have had a chance to shake your hand and admire your stuff!
We are staying in Central Oregon this week on the banks of the Metolius River in Camp Sherman. I'd almost forgotten how beautiful fall is in Oregon. The days here are warm in the sun and cold at night (in the 20's). It's great to escape city life momentarily. We are here celebrating my 50th birthday.
Happy Birthday! I used to live in Camp Sherman, and the Met has a very special place in my heart. We
it there. Have fun!
I just recently found this forums and decided to sign up today. I live in Eugene. A couple years ago, I had a couple of chickens for a few months, and then gave them away. It was a great experience. I gave them up because I travel a lot. Now I have set up another area for hens in my front yard. I am going to start out with 4 hens and see how it goes.

I would love to connect with some other area chicken owners. I think forums are great for trading info and learning from one another.

I am in McMinnville.
Do I need to insulate my coop?

I a still trying to figure out the best way to lay-out my shed into coop. It is 8x10 t111. I want to store feed in the first part and then have the coop in the rest, but I am still thinking about where to put the stuff so that I don't end up saying 'duh, should a done it different' LOL.
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