
Pretty!  She is going to do well for you.  I heard that they are egg laying machines.  :)

I have heard the too. That was one of the reason we chose her. My others (3 Easter Eggers, and 1 Barred Rock) should start laying (hopefully) somewhere between thanksgiving and Christmas.
Congrats!!! I just love the first egg, sometimes I even poke a hole in the ends, blow it out, and save it.

I have a Red Sex Link, too. She's a cross between RIR and RIWhite. This summer she layed 51 days straight! I'm guessing that won't be a regular thing, but since then she's been going at least a full week before taking a day off. I hope your girl will do just as well. Enjoy!
Congrats!!!  I just love the first egg, sometimes I even poke a hole in the ends, blow it out, and save it.  :lol:   
I have a Red Sex Link, too.  She's a cross between RIR and RIWhite.  This summer she layed 51 days straight!  I'm guessing that won't be a regular thing, but since then she's been going at least a full week before taking a day off.  I hope your girl will do just as well.  Enjoy!

Thanks :) I believe mine is a cross between a RIR and a Gold laced wyndotte. I wasn't told this when I bought her. I'm going according to the "lacing" on her back. I'll get a better picture later. It's so funny how she squats down when I touch her back
"It's so funny how she squats down when I touch her back."

She's being submissive...if you were a roo, you'd breed her.
I don't have a roo right now so I give them a nice little back scratch and send them on their way.
"It's so funny how she squats down when I touch her back."

She's being submissive...if you were a roo, you'd breed her.
I don't have a roo right now so I give them a nice little back scratch and send them on their way.

Oooohhhh that's why they do that! Duh! I have roos so I should've figured. Mine haven't been handled much at all so I figured they were just making themselves smaller and harder to get to, like the cat does when he doesn't want to be petted.
Brandi laid another egg today :)
And I am happy to say the the ceramic egg (on the right) worked as far as getting her to use the nesting box!
Just curious, is there anything I can do to encourage her to lay earlier in the day? Currently she is laying about 2 in the afternoon.


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