
We made duck egg banana pancakes today ... with cashew crumbles. And maple syrup. The wheat was a Greenwillow Grains, organic, Willamette Valley, stone ground whole wheat. Super rich, super yummy. Relatively local ... don't grow cashews or coconut here ...

The chicken egg customers are being cautious about the duck eggs so we're using those, but as the flock slows down for the winter, they might not have as much of a choice.
We made duck egg banana pancakes today ... with cashew crumbles. And maple syrup. The wheat was a Greenwillow Grains, organic, Willamette Valley, stone ground whole wheat. Super rich, super yummy. Relatively local ... don't grow cashews or coconut here ...

The chicken egg customers are being cautious about the duck eggs so we're using those, but as the flock slows down for the winter, they might not have as much of a choice.
That sounds yummy! I'd like to get two ducklings (both female), either Khaki Campbell, Ancona or Welsh Harlequin this spring. I'm still researching and looking for someone selling them nearby.
That sounds yummy! I'd like to get two ducklings (both female), either Khaki Campbell, Ancona or Welsh Harlequin this spring. I'm still researching and looking for someone selling them nearby.

I have Indian Runners and Khaki Campbell available now, if anyone is interested. One male of each, and several females. I also have an extra Rouen mix male. The Rouens lay the bigger eggs, so making a mini flock with him and the other two breeds could produce interesting offspring.
I have Indian Runners and Khaki Campbell available now, if anyone is interested. One male of each, and several females. I also have an extra Rouen mix male. The Rouens lay the bigger eggs, so making a mini flock with him and the other two breeds could produce interesting offspring.
The timing is wrong for us, but maybe I could check with you in the early spring and see if you have any available then?
Well that explains a few things! I was spending quality time with the flock today trying to spot more cockerels that are ready to move to the grow out coop ... they get to stay as long as they behave ... And I figured out my BA rooster has a twin. The older guy is finishing a rough molt, and I've been confused by their comings and goings ... Today I finally figured it out. Duh! I feel so dumb.

I remember the older BA male took forever to show his gender so nobody believed me he was male. I can't even figure out which approximate hatch his twin is from. He is pretty big ...

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