
I wondered the same thing so I keep checking under the coop and in every corner of the coop...nothin'!

We have an egg!! Woohoo!!! It's been nine days since she laid her last one. And other than her vent being red and swollen, she seemed fine. Full of energy as always. But I kept an eye on her anyway. This morning when I opened the pop door to let the girls out, she was right there to greet me as usual. So I pinned her to check her out. Vent was back to a healthy pink. And sure enough there was an egg in the coop. Now of course I'm making the assumption that it was hers. I do have a BR that could start laying any day now. And this egg was more pinky brown than the toasty brown my red star usually lays... But, I'll take it!
We have an egg!! Woohoo!!! It's been nine days since she laid her last one. And other than her vent being red and swollen, she seemed fine. Full of energy as always. But I kept an eye on her anyway. This morning when I opened the pop door to let the girls out, she was right there to greet me as usual. So I pinned her to check her out. Vent was back to a healthy pink. And sure enough there was an egg in the coop. Now of course I'm making the assumption that it was hers. I do have a BR that could start laying any day now. And this egg was more pinky brown than the toasty brown my red star usually lays... But, I'll take it!
Yay! Our cuckoo Marans ate a bad bug or something in early October and suffered a single sick day where she stood around and ate nothing, but drank some acv water. She didn't lay another egg for 38 days! That egg was pale and very large with a double yolk. Happily, she is back to normal laying now.
I just spoke to her and she has already sold all her chicks even the ones due this weekend. :( Sorry.
That's alright, thanks anyway. I'm sure he'll be fine by himself until I hatch some more chicks in a couple weeks. I mean, he only has three stuffed animals, a mirror, and a ticking clock in the brooder with him. And I have a pet carrier that I put him in while I'm sitting on the couch using the internet so he can see me and hear me. He's going to be a very spoiled chick until he goes to a new home...
Beautiful bold paint cockerel, would love to find a good home for.





My Red Star Brandi started laying right on cue at 20 wks laid one egg a day everyday for 25 days (including one double yolk) and then just stopped! We are at day 5 with NO egg. She's not molting, seems healthy and happy, no new behaviors... I just don't get it. The coop is lit. ( I already know there is a difference of opinion on this). They are on a good layer feed, plus greens, extra grains, yogurt, ACV in their water...sigh.
Any thoughts?
I had a whole loss of eggs and one day i heard this noise that sounded like a wood pecker . i fallowed the noise into the hen house and looked up in the rafters and guess what ? they found their own nesting area little bratts . 5 nests loaded with eggs and mommas who wanted to sit.
I had a whole loss of eggs and one day i heard this noise that sounded like a wood pecker . i fallowed the noise into the hen house and looked up in the rafters and guess what ? they found their own nesting area little bratts . 5 nests loaded with eggs and mommas who wanted to sit. 

Wow sneaky little boogers lol

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