
When a cock comes at you with their spurs it's often called flogging.
So if you have one who's made a habit of it, then it's safe to say you have a flogging roo.
Stupid question, what do people mean by flogging rooster?
Flogging is defined as beating with a whip or stick. A flogging rooster is one that is attacking, typically beating with its wings. Doesn't sound to horrible except they usual back that up with spurs and their beak, and can do a lot of damage.
I am have posted in the "buy and sell" section here on BYC. These are organic Seabright strawberry crowns from my garden. I can deliver to Sellwood area of Portland for pick up or ship them.

Thanks for looking.
We finally got our first eggs this week! Yay! Mid winter, no lights, not bad! Update: I kept my nicest Sussex rooster, although he's a lil rough breeding :p. I also kept 2 of my faverolle roos and they are sweet hearts. Thanks for the advice about mean hens...I'm going to switch my attention to that!
Stupid question, what do people mean by flogging rooster?

Flogging is defined as beating with a whip or stick. A flogging rooster is one that is attacking, typically beating with its wings. Doesn't sound to horrible except they usual back that up with spurs and their beak, and can do a lot of damage.

And Keeping any bird whether hen or cock that is aggressive is just flirting with danger. There is no reason to allow a mean bird to live. It is only a matter of time and they WILL hurt somebody. Also if allowed to breed they will just create more mean offspring!  There are plenty of nice birds out there!
X2! I tried the various "reeducation techniques" hoping to keep an Ameraucana cockerel that was showing some aggression, he seemed "better", very respectful of me, then he set his sights on my 3yo, whose sole prior interactions with the chickens were feeding treats and collecting eggs under adult supervision. About an hour later he was resting in my refrigerator.
We're sending a big batch of mutt cockerels to processing tomorrow. One of the cockerels has a super cool comb and is also a very nice shape. Here are some photos ... keep in mind two things: 1) I take TERRIBLE chicken photos; 2) he is dirty because he's been in the "finishing pen" for way too long due to unforeseen circumstances here on the farm.

I'm pretty sure he has some Silver Laced Wyandotte in him. But what else? White ears makes me think one of our white egg-laying breeds, and we only have Brown Leghorns and California Whites.

I wish I could keep him, but we just don't need excessive numbers of roosters around here.
Why don't you advertise him for a week or two first on CL, somebody might want him he's a beautiful bird.

I really do like him and if I could keep one or two he'd be on my list for sure even though he's a mutt. But having done the CL thing for roosters all last year I'm very certain cockerels "rehomed" on CL get eaten anyway ... which is fine if a person is too sentimental to eat their own roosters like we were last year. This year we've toughened up a bit, which I consider to be a good thing.

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