
Got my chicks from Central Oregon Ranch Supply yesterday. They seem to have had a rough trip from Idaho, but they're all healthy and running around. Just a swollen comb and some red knees on one Polish, and a few small red spots on other combs from pecking. Box has been extended since the first pic was taken.



SL Polish

Supposed Thai Jungle Fowl, though they look suspiciously similar to my Sumatra when it was that young. Though I also don't know what a Thai chick looks like.

Supposed Saipan Jungle Fowl

Would you please post pics as the Jungle Fowl get older? If that's what they are it would be interesting to see.
Actually we are right behind Sun Forest Estates in Forest Meadows! Lol! Oh that would be fun to meet up for coffee at the Red Rooster sometime! How many chickens do you have? We have nine (so far) lol!
So sorry I didn't reply til just now...work...aaack!! I'm a newbie at keeping chickens, I have 4 Black Australorp chicks arriving at the La Pine Feed Store on 4/8....can't wait!! My brooder is all set up, and I'm starting on my chicken coop on Monday...I'll PM you with more info as to meeting up...it would be fun for sure!
FYI, Tomorrow is Chick Day at Old Mill Feed in Dallas! About 3,000 chicks find new homes in one day! Also, I believe they have sales on bird gear and food. You can call them for more details.

Here is the website: http://www.oldmillfeed.com/events/04052014-chick-day/
I got my first batch of "urban" chicks there. We lost 2 of 6 the first 24 hours but the other four just turned two years old and are still laying almost daily. The folks at Old Mill take very good care of their chicks, but the chicks the sell come all the way from Arkansas.

They have an excellent selection of chicken related products including some small but cute coops.

Last spring we got our chicks on Craiglist and 8 of 8 survived, I think that this is because they only traveled about 20 miles and where at our house within 24 hours of hatching. I was worried about the sexing but we ended up with just one (extremely randy) rooster in the bunch. We had friends whit an aging roo so he went to live in the country where (fortunately) he gets on well with the old roo.
Any ideas on how to make my ducks look "prettier"? And how long before they get done molting, sigh. They seem to prefer their mud pit (ducks duh) to the high ground or indoor area and they look bedraggled and muddy. Any ideas to speed up molting and help their appearance? Thanks
Finally got some nice weather. And one of my Silkies has gone broody again and is trying to hatch a golf ball. Anyone need some eggs hatched? (Not serious on that one, can't guarantee they'd hatch and I would feel bad if they didn't.)
*flops onto couch*

Hello all. Oh my. I haven't looked around on the forum for awhile since I had some bad experiences with my homemade incubator and beautiful serama bantam eggs in February. *wipes a tear*

I'm needing Ameracauna chicks.....but I'm looking around to see if any of these places that are selling actual Ameracaunas...and not AmerIcaunas. Getting a little frustrated with people in stores who should know more than me not understanding the difference here. =/

I did buy some chicks last Friday. 3 Wyandotte bantams, 5 silkies, and 5 EE.
I'm really really excited and happy to have chickens, but honestly I'm not having a great time. Not the chicks fault, not at all. I bought my chicks from two different feed stores, and both batches had deformed chicks that I didn't noticed until I got home. At one feed store they had their like...19 year old kid watching the place and he was clueless. He didn't know which breeds where which or where they were. They had one black silkie left who was sitting down. I asked the kid if there was anything wrong with the chick, and he said "No. She's just really little."
Well....no. Next I realize she has horribly splayed legs and curled toes on the left foot. I've wrapped her legs and foot, hand fed her and given her extra nutrients. She's walking much better and is able to stand...but I refitted her little boot and now she is having difficulty moving around again. She's a little lethargic today or exhausted from the constant workout. I hope she makes it....

Then I got a beautiful EE that has both sets of toes curled under. I didn't notice because I'm only 5ft tall and the cage where they were sitting in was rather above my eye level. I've been trying to get dressings to stay on it's feet all weekend, but they keep coming off. Not only are the toes curled under, they are rotated so I can't even set them properly. She runs and walks just fine so there is no health issue, but for these being my first set of chickens I'm kinda disappointed.
I'm keeping it because it's just cosmetic and I'm not showing or breeding EE. I could have exchanged it, but there were no chicks left with her gorgeous coloring.
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