
Better than I thought they would! I have misters and give them ice water with mint in it frequently! How bout yours?

Mine are doing well. I have a mister and change their water out multiple times a day with cooler water. I didn't think about trying mint! Good idea! They're not eating as much as they normally do, but I try to encourage them to eat a little more by giving them a few chilled fruits and veggies here and there.
Mine are doing well.  I have a mister and change their water out multiple times a day with cooler water.  I didn't think about trying mint!  Good idea!  They're not eating as much as they normally do, but I try to encourage them to eat a little more by giving them a few chilled fruits and veggies here and there.

I've also been giving them chilled watermelon and such. And to encourage them to drink more I'm going to go get some black oil sunflower seeds and put them in their water so they drink more as they are going for the seeds. And they have a fan too...lol.
My husband and kids keep joking that I take better care of the chickens than I do them! Hahaha!
I have two fans in the henhouse but am worried about Tuesday!  They are out all day but it's so hot in there in the evenings when they go to roost.  :(  

Yeah it's going to get soooo hot! I'm worried because I have to leave town for 4-5 days and the only person I could find to look after my chickens and goats doesn't know anything about them. :-/
Pretty dang hot over here in Central Oregon...yesterday topped 97 and this week all high 90's predicted. I'm keeping mine fairly comfortable. I don't have a mister but I put my sprinkler on low to where it just hits inside their run by about a foot and keep moving it around. No sooner do I move it they all scramble for the wet dirt and a cool spot for their feet and tummies..so funny to watch! Today I'm going to give them a slice of watermelon later on....THAT ought to be interesting knowing how they'd kill for watermelon!!!

Everyone try and stay cool, watch your flock for open mouths, panting and opened wings...keep 'em as cool as you can!
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Try putting a big chunk of ice directly in the waterer to keep the water cool all day as it melts. I use watermelon as someone else stated.Cantalope too, anything with a high water contend to keep everybody hydrated.
I have to laugh at a couple of young buff pullets I hatched out of some eggs from Oklahoma. They are the heat surviving experts in my coop. All those years of breeding for OK. summer heat must have took hold. Couldn't find them the other day on one of the hottest days we've had as they weren't with the rest of the flock lounging in the cool dirt pile. Instead I find the two of them behind a fence, under a compost tumbler in the shade that never sees daylight (coolest spot on the property) sound asleep. lol They also do something interesting when it's hot that I haven't seen my other birds do. They walk around with their wings hanging down and out from their bodies catching the breeze and cooling off. Tough little girls!

catching some rays
Can't use misters or sprinklers here, unless you have a well. We're on water restrictions, and yesterday someone ran their truck and trailer off the road (him, his dog, and his horse are okay) and started a decent size fire, so yeah...

I put ice bottles in the coop and just outside the coop on a shelf the chickens sit on all the time. Their water stays relatively cool throughout the day (probably because it's in the shade all day), so I just change them once a day. Haven't had any problems so far.
Can't use misters or sprinklers here, unless you have a well. We're on water restrictions, and yesterday someone ran their truck and trailer off the road (him, his dog, and his horse are okay) and started a decent size fire, so yeah...

I put ice bottles in the coop and just outside the coop on a shelf the chickens sit on all the time. Their water stays relatively cool throughout the day (probably because it's in the shade all day), so I just change them once a day. Haven't had any problems so far.

Oh no! Glad everyone is ok!
Frozen water bottles work well!
With the type of weather we have in Oregon, mainly wet (well, obviously not right now, but overall through the year), curious to know what you have found to be the best wormer for poultry? Input and advice welcome.

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