

these two are the suspects we have a black and white one I'm pretty sure it's a roo. His tail feathers swoop down and have green in them
Yes. Just in two ladies I bought a few days ago...which I now believe is appropriate to say I rescued (long story)...though I don't know enough about worms to say what they were. It just made me start to wonder what others use. I did one round treating for roundworm cuz that's all my feed store had for chickens, but I'm thinking I need to follow up with Safeguard or something as I did some reading on here and that is one that I understand kills additional types. ??!

Safeguard or Valbazen are good wormers.
Yes. Just in two ladies I bought a few days ago...which I now believe is appropriate to say I rescued (long story)...though I don't know enough about worms to say what they were. It just made me start to wonder what others use. I did one round treating for roundworm cuz that's all my feed store had for chickens, but I'm thinking I need to follow up with Safeguard or something as I did some reading on here and that is one that I understand kills additional types. ??!

I'd also recommend giving them probiotics. Stress can upset the normal good bacteria in the body, probiotics can help bring them back to normal. Probiotics can also assist in building up the immune system.

Wilco has both panacur and valbazen. Didn't check Coastal 'cause Wilco's much closer. FYI My local Wilco doesn't keep everything on the shelves, if you want to find out if they carry something you have to ask. Sweet PDZ is not on shelves but they do carry it.
Yes, there are a total of 8 wildfires going right now, 2 of which are here on our side of the "hill" in Central Oregon...aaack!! Everyone stay safe out there!
My hens have been pretty warm too. I spray their run area down at night to help cool things off, lots of fresh water during the day & they love the watermelon treats. I have even seen them in the goose kiddie pool walking around... silly birds
what is the earliest your pullets started laying? :confused: we got a tiny egg today i just say its a "fart" egg from the older hens but my grandma was insisting that it was from the babies since that is what they do at first. we have six 12 week old 2 EEs and 4 leghorns we can rule out the leghorns.
i think it's just a "fart" egg because EE's lay green eggs...
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Yes, there are a total of 8 wildfires going right now, 2 of which are here on our side of the "hill" in Central Oregon...aaack!! Everyone stay safe out there!
At least a good chunk of the firefighters are camped out here in town, it seems. About 4 catering semis just pulled in to town and headed up behind the high school. Plus like 15 other rigs that go along with the catering semis.

At least I don't have to help feed them all at the restaurant I work at any more. We did dinner and breakfast for them for about three days. It was crazy. About five people on staff with 90+ firefighters coming through in an hour and a half period. Chaos...

I mean, I don't mind helping out, but that was just insane.
At least a good chunk of the firefighters are camped out here in town, it seems. About 4 catering semis just pulled in to town and headed up behind the high school. Plus like 15 other rigs that go along with the catering semis.

At least I don't have to help feed them all at the restaurant I work at any more. We did dinner and breakfast for them for about three days. It was crazy. About five people on staff with 90+ firefighters coming through in an hour and a half period. Chaos...

I mean, I don't mind helping out, but that was just insane.
How dejavous is this!!??? I, too, work at a restaurant!!! I work at Gordy's Truck Stop & Restaurant. We can seat 90 in the main dining room and our banquet room can hold 55. It has been non-stop for several days now as firefighter crews make their way to their destinations up and down the Hwy. 97 corridor....insane is right!!

Just this morning we had 2 crews of 20 each for breakfast. Fortunately they called ahead by about 30 minutes. All the crews wanted biscuits & sausage gravy and scrambled eggs. We were ready for them as they walked in the door. I don't know how big your restaurant is but here? Here we are open 24/7 365 so we have staff to handle these insane rushes...

Best of luck, it looks like you and I are going to busy gals for awhile with these fires!!
The dining room and bar combined can seat a total of 90. Generally, there's only a cook, a waitress, and a bartender on duty. Weekends there's generally two of each, unless it isn't busy. We're only open from 11-9 Sunday through Wednesday, 11-10 Thursday, and 11-11 on Friday and Saturday, unless there are enough people on the weekend to stay open later. There isn't enough business to be open for breakfast. I believe we close at like, 6 in winter.

There are a total of 3 cooks, 4 bartenders, and 3 waitresses. One of the bartenders can also cook, but isn't her primary job, and the bartenders also waitress. I'm the dishwasher. There's only one guy working there, so he's outnumbered by all us girls. He never asks us what we were talking about if he comes into the middle of a conversation, due to one of us joking one time he asked. He gets embarrassed easily.

We knew ahead of time what we were going to cook for them (they got no choice in the matter, because we only have so much food), but they originally said only 50 would be eating. Ended up being 90+. So yeah. I already have a back muscle spasm(shoulders and at the base of my spine), so doing all of those dishes in a rush didn't help it at all.

We technically have enough staff to cover it, but everyone is dead tired and irritable all the time. I am especially, since I'm on call, so this time of year I hardly get a day off, especially with my second job housekeeping one of the boss's vacation lodges/houses.

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