
Hey need some chicken advice! First I have a chicken acting weird usually she is robust and very loud now she hangs in the coop and actually let's us hold her without screaming also if I put her out side she goes and hides any thoughts on what this is? Also my chickens are not laying! I have 12 hens and I am only getting three eggs a day! Which is really odd anything going on that I need to be aware of?
Hey need some chicken advice! First I have a chicken acting weird usually she is robust and very loud now she hangs in the coop and actually let's us hold her without screaming also if I put her out side she goes and hides any thoughts on what this is? Also my chickens are not laying! I have 12 hens and I am only getting three eggs a day! Which is really odd anything going on that I need to be aware of?
Do they look like they are starting to molt? Most will quit laying or lay a greatly reduced rate till their feathers come back in. Most of mine go about their business when molting (except for the laying part) but I have one Delaware who looks terrible right now, pale comb, much more lethargic. The molt is really hard on her. If you think they are molting, up their protein. Helps them grow the feathers back faster. They have a juvie molt (4-5 mos old or so) and their first adult molt at about a year old.

Stress can also affect laying, extreme heat or cold, parasites - worms/mites/lice, change in housing, predators, etc.
Hey need some chicken advice! First I have a chicken acting weird usually she is robust and very loud now she hangs in the coop and actually let's us hold her without screaming also if I put her out side she goes and hides any thoughts on what this is? Also my chickens are not laying! I have 12 hens and I am only getting three eggs a day! Which is really odd anything going on that I need to be aware of?
I also think it sounds like molt. My Cochin was hanging out lethargically (well more than usual) under the hen house yesterday because they are starting to molt. You and I are in pretty similar climates. The pillow fight look is juuuuuuust starting in my coop.

Anyways, I hope that's all that it is!! GOOD luck, no one likes to stress out about our girlies getting sick..

PS If they are molting, make sure they get a little extra protein.
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Since nowhere locally has any Silkies of Buff Orpingtons, this will be our flock....

If anyone can identify Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, we would be very happy to know.
Gryffindor came from the "assorted white layer" and Hufflepuff from the "assorted brown layer" bin.
Guesses are welcome.

Alcatraz and Marley are from the Barred Rock bin, and we suspect Marley of being a roo...
Amy is a Rhode Island Red.
Derpy and Unjin are from the Silver Laced Wyandotte bin.
Hen Solo and Omelette are from the Americauna bin.

We wanted variety. I think we succeeded.

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