
Hen Solo! I love it!!
Anyone else been getting down to freezing at night besides me? Here in La Pine it reached 38 two nights ago, and last night it was 34....winter's coming!
Hey need some chicken advice! First I have a chicken acting weird usually she is robust and very loud now she hangs in the coop and actually let's us hold her without screaming also if I put her out side she goes and hides any thoughts on what this is? Also my chickens are not laying! I have 12 hens and I am only getting three eggs a day! Which is really odd anything going on that I need to be aware of?

as someone else mentioned, they will usually stop laying before they start molting.. usually around 12-16 mos, how old are yours?

another idea, it is the season for mites and they can severely impact egglaying. you can look on the underside of the roosts for tiny black bugs with white eggs. if they are feeding on your hens they may look like red bugs. they stay on the roosts, and feed on the hens at night. if you want to check the hens for mites, pull them off the roost at nighttime.

as treatment for mites, I spray with neem oil and fumigate with cayenne. there are also insecticides like Sevin-5 that you can use directly on the hens if they are infested. good luck!
What's everyone doing for their chickens and livestock near the fire in Estacada? I'm in Oregon City and the air quality is terrible. My barn is being demolished and rebuilt right now, so I don't have anywhere to put my goats and horse indoors. I can bring my pair of Lavender Orpingtons inside the house if it gets much worse, but I'd sure hate to have to do that. My dachshunds would go balistic over my rooster!

Good luck and good thoughts to the folks closer to the fire than me.
I'm in luck for now. The evacuation area for the Onion Mountain fire is 4 miles past our place and the breeze is blowing the smoke away from us. Last year when we had terrible smoke I just tried to keep them calm and distracted. We didn't loose any even we were in the "Hazardous" category for 10 days. I remember driving by road construction where they were putting down new black top and not even noticing the smell.

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