

We are sending a bunch of mutt cockerels to Freezer Camp soon so I took photos today. I think this one looks really cool.
Those are some pretty cockerels!

Thanks! I finally got a photo of a shy one yesterday. You can maybe see why I missed him ... he's on the left ...

Pretty much the same as the one on the right, but with a different comb.

Just as I'm trying to breed some Delawares into total SOP uniformity, it has been a lot of fun watching the mutts grow up. They are full of surprises.

Some of the pullets are just as interesting, but they run faster so all the photos are rotten. I think this pullet is super cool looking, and she is very different from the back.

The one below is shorter than her hatchmates, and has no tail, but she is a wide heavy bird ...

There are a couple all-black pullets like the one below. Each one has a different face (different color comb & wattles).

Here is the red-faced version:

And here is the black-faced version:

(look at her goooooooo!)

These two hide really well in the leaves. The one in back is especially hard to photograph with the speckles and the speed she runs. I don't have a single half-decent photo of her. I'll keep trying. The one in front has super glossy feathers.

I can't decide which is my favorite.
Leslie, great looking birds! I keep going through trying to figure out Moms & Dads for them. So far I have Marans, Wyandotte, EE, Sussex.

I think you're doing better than I am! We for sure have all those breeds here ... hatchery birds, so they're already "mutts" and could produce any kind of surprise when eggs hatch. And then we also have a few mutt hens (and that one mutt cock).

I'm very late getting the SOP -- I really need to get one SOON. I'd love to be able to described the feather patterns. Someone said this guy is a Red Shouldered Sliver Duckwing (color pattern). How cool is that?!?

That's a new variety for me, I've heard of gold and silver, (Old English and phoenix), but not with red shoulders. The bantam SOP is better IMO on color varieties since they are all grouped alphabetically.

The wyandotte was iffy for me since I don't see any rose combs.

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