
You can have three without out a permit. I know people that have 15, you just need to make sure they have adequate space and it's nice and clean. The inspectors are pretty reasonable. I was friends with an inspector who helped me with the design to make sure it would meet code. Lucky me!
Good to know!

Hello fellow Oregonians...My peepers and quackers are doing good...They grow SUPER fast...My husband put together a brooder for me...After I gave some of my chicks away I'm down to twenty one chicks and two ducks...After my phone charges I'll have to take some pics and post..Maybe ya'll can help me to decide about how old the baby's are...Here's some pics I posted to facebook earlier...I think they are ADORABLE..They are two weeks and two days old..Sorry, my number keys aren't working for some reason...

Hey guys, I have a little cochin bantam and I have some questions about her.

If I pick her up, I don't have to hold her wings, I can have hold her for a long time, and she can be in a uncomfortable without even caring.
I'm not used to having chickens THIS docile, so is it bad that she's like this?
Hey guys, I have a little cochin bantam and I have some questions about her.

If I pick her up, I don't have to hold her wings, I can have hold her for a long time, and she can be in a uncomfortable without even caring.
I'm not used to having chickens THIS docile, so is it bad that she's like this?
As long as she's not lethargic it's just fine. Some are more docile than others. I have a silkie that just goes limp when I hold her. She's a cuddler and will happily let me tote her around as long as I want or sit in my lap.
As long as she's not lethargic it's just fine. Some are more docile than others. I have a silkie that just goes limp when I hold her. She's a cuddler and will happily let me tote her around as long as I want or sit in my lap.

She's also really light, but I don't know if that's just because she's as big as my hand. Sorry for the ridiculous questions, I'm used to having big chickens, like barred rocks.
She's also really light, but I don't know if that's just because she's as big as my hand. Sorry for the ridiculous questions, I'm used to having big chickens, like barred rocks.
I had barred rocks to start with too so I had lots of questions so you're not alone
I still have lots of questions. I love this site! Bantams are definitely a lot lighter. My silkies are like picking up a bag of marshmallows lol they definitely eat and are never sick so I don't worry about it. They're just not 'meaty'

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