
Oh Yay!! I'm so glad you liked it! She is very nice and cooks everything fresh, she does all her own prep work and is very sweet. My hubby and I were there one afternoon after he was told he was going to be laid off a few days a week. The waitress overheard us talking about it and brought us free pumpkin pie to cheer us up! Nice folks.

Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it. Even though we've never met, it's kind of neat to know there is another BYC'R going there.
OMG !!! u guys like ginas tooo !! i live a block from there !! i get it every year for my birthday ! i have know gina since i was like... 4 HAHAHA ! shes really nice.. if u are nice she gives u extras lol
It is SUCH a small chicken world!
I drive by Gina's every day for work, have not eaten there in maybe 6 yrs?
I don't eat out much, I have not found a lot of GOOD places to eat in Woodburn.
Catherine in Woodburn
catherine, where in woodburn do u live? i live about a rocks throw from safeway. do u get your chicken food at costal? i agree, hard to find a good place to eat around here.. all authentic foods. i also like the guadalahara borrito place at the 99E strip mall across from the new goodwill. no reall good sit down places.... elmers?
Scappose, where the snow never seems to melt.................

2 orps, 3 wyandottes, 1cochin roo, 2 dutch roos, 5 laying ducks, 2 greyhounds, 1 cat, 2 lizards and a husband on 5 acres. Expanding the flock with Japanese bantams in about a month.
Sorry--I just had to jump in....

I'm from Portland (originally) and my parents are still there...I have sisters (two of them) in Eugene & an uncle there, too! I visit the area a few times a year and I wanted to know if anyone was interested in some chickens??
I have a few extras for sale that I need to move out ASAP to make room for the spring hatches...

2 Standard Black Sumatra Cockerels $15 each

1 Porcelain d'Uccle Cockerel, missing a toe but otherwise a nice bird. $10

1 Standard (HUGE) Lemon Blue Cochin Cockerel--mostly blue but carries the lemon/blue gene $25

2 Bantam Sultans, not sexed. Pet-quality. $10 each

1 Golden Laced Cochin Rooster, very friendly & GORGEOUS! $20

2 Salmon Faverolle hens (hatched in June & laying daily)

A lady is meeting me in Yakima in a few weeks who is from Portland (she's a dog shower, too!) and she's buying a few pairs from me...so if anyone else sees anything they like, let me know. She's offered to transport for me!
was the missing toe one the duccle a birth defect or just a mishap?
i might be interested
i have a hen he might like
do u have a picture?
of any of them ?
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