
Hello there! I am in Canby OR and have been chicken crazy for many,, many years.
Beginning, Advanced, and Chicken First Aid classes are being offered in Portland. Beginning is this Sunday, the 17th at 4 pm. Chicken First Aid is next Sunday at 5:30pm and the other classes are in February. You can check the calendar on the Urban Farm Store website for those dates in Feb. Please contact Tonya to register at [email protected]/

. All classes are $10 per person for the 2 hour class,
Beginning, Advanced, and Chicken First Aid classes are being offered in Portland. Beginning is this Sunday, the 17th at 4 pm. Chicken First Aid is next Sunday at 5:30pm and the other classes are in February. You can check the calendar on the Urban Farm Store website for those dates in Feb. Please contact Tonya to register at [email protected]/

. All classes are $10 per person for the 2 hour class,

Hey, Lynn. Signed up for the beginning first aid on the 24th. I'm actually getting my husband to come, too. Miracle of miracles. I'm looking forward to it.
Hello all
looking to buy fertile eggs in the Portland metro area. Please let me know if anyone has anything. I created a new incubator and can't wait to test it out. Having a hard time finding anything local on CL.
Hello from a beautifully rainy Eugene today!

Looking to start my own small flock of girls in the next couple of months. Does anyone have suggestion on which breeds I should be looking at?

I'm looking to start off small (3 or 4 girls maybe a duck too) medium or large egg, no color preference, 5-7 eggs per week. Maybe some bug control too? I've done a ton of research and I'm going to lie, I want one of everything! Leaning towards Buff Orpingtons, Black/Red Sexlinks and Australorp's.

My coop and run are almost ready and could house up to 8 but for this year, I'd like to stay with just a few. I can always add a few more next spring.

Any suggestions/advice would be most appreciated! Thanks!!
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Hello from a beautifully rainy Eugene today!

Looking to start my own small flock of girls in the next couple of months. Does anyone have suggestion on which breeds I should be looking at?

I'm looking to start off small (3 or 4 girls maybe a duck too) medium or large egg, no color preference, 5-7 eggs per week. Maybe some bug control too? I've done a ton of research and I'm going to lie, I want one of everything! Leaning towards Buff Orpingtons, Black/Red Sexlinks and Australorp's.

My coop and run are almost ready and could house up to 8 but for this year, I'd like to stay with just a few. I can always add a few more next spring.

Any suggestions/advice would be most appreciated! Thanks!!

I started my small flock in April of this year (first time chicken wrangler). I did a lot of research on chicken breed personalities. I wasn't so much interested in how many eggs were laid, but wanted a gentle, mild-mannered little flock. So I decided on two Buff Orpingtons, a Black Australorp, and a Barred Rock. I am so so so happy with my choices. They are sweet, friendly birds and there are very few disagreements among them. And bonus ... during the spring, summer, and fall months I averaged 3.5 eggs a day (I keep track on a calendar of # of eggs laid each day and by whom, if I can tell). And during the winter months, I've been averaging almost three a day with no supplemental light.

Good luck to you. Let us know what you decide on.
I started my small flock in April of this year (first time chicken wrangler). I did a lot of research on chicken breed personalities. I wasn't so much interested in how many eggs were laid, but wanted a gentle, mild-mannered little flock. So I decided on two Buff Orpingtons, a Black Australorp, and a Barred Rock. I am so so so happy with my choices. They are sweet, friendly birds and there are very few disagreements among them. And bonus ... during the spring, summer, and fall months I averaged 3.5 eggs a day (I keep track on a calendar of # of eggs laid each day and by whom, if I can tell). And during the winter months, I've been averaging almost three a day with no supplemental light.

Good luck to you. Let us know what you decide on.

Hi Stephanie!

Sounds like your girls are happy and healthy! Thanks so much for the info, it sounds like my folck will be the same! I'll post pics once the coop and run are done and then again when I get the girls!

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