
Hey PollyWaddle,

I'm South of you in Cottage Grove. Welcome!! There are a few of us in the area. Hope we can do another Chicken Swap again!

I admit I didn't read all 71 pages, just the first 8 or so. I only saw one reference to the Rogue River Rooster Crow. Do the still have that? It was so much fun!! But that was over 30 years ago.
I was born in Medford, raised in Williams, lived in Salem/Scio for a few years. Love Oakridge, where my husband first transplanted to. If my husband doesn't agree to move to AK, our first choice has always been to move back to Oregon. We're going up for 2 weeks in August and looking at property. We left there 23 years ago. Mariposa, CA was the only place in CA I would agree to live, but it's time to go home.
So you S.OR folks, how about that Rooter Crow?
I just got back from the Linn County fair. Did anyone go? I was the one with the big lattice above my caged with the Heritage breed display board and the Wyandotte bantams. I think I did pretty good. I won champion Bantam, got Champion in Showmanship, and went on to Master showmanship and got Reserve Champion. Definitely happy!
My display on heritage breeds will be at the State fair on display/competing as well as my 4-h club's display that we all did on extracting honey. I am also contemplating showing some birds at state fair.
I'll have to look for you. Will you have honey for sale or are you just showing the exstaction? I'm not showing my birds this year as Im a new chicken mom, but I will be placing jams and bread and cake and photographing and scrapbooking.
I don't even raise bees
My group just thought it would be an interesting topic to do a display on. I would love to raise them someday though.
I was at the fair. I'm the big ugly guy who's son won FFA Grand Champion Master Showmanship (as well as FFA Rabbit Champion Showmanship and Reserve Champion Rabbit Meat Pen).

I'll probably have rabbits at State Fair as I promised the small animal superintendent I would when he took over last year. I don't show my birds as I don't have enough quarantine pens for it to be feasible.

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