
I'm trying.

If I hadn't lost my husband while I was getting this started we would have been so much bigger by now. I just have a lot of bad days lately, but I'm trying.

I have a lot of states with no help and I'd like to find at least some people who can work together for even some short trips.

California is a long state and I have big gaps here. You'd think with all the people that we'd be the biggest part of the train.

Hopefully we'll get Washington and Oregon built up.

I'm going to try and get enough coordinators in each state, so we can work on each one really hard for a while and then do a couple of others. Maybe that's the way I'll have to work it for now, but boy would I like to see rapid growth again.

Wish me luck.

Good morning! Anyone besides me disappointed we didn't get any snow? However, this balmy wet weather is kind of nice.

Still thinking about a garden this spring... devising various plans for keeping chickens & dogs out.

Have a great, wet, Thursday!
Geeber--Good grief, no! I am not disappointed we didn't get any snow! I work at a Trauma hospital and am associated with 6 hospitals so when there is snow we have some doctors and nurses that can't get to work as they live farther away and/or the trip would be very hazardous. This makes it so much more stressful for all concerned. We do have systems in place for doctors but for my department there are only a limited number of us trained and whoever is on duty at the time of a snowstorm is usually stuck sleeping at the hospital and covering the shifts with little or no sleep between them. We do not treat patients and in such emergency situations it is all we can do. Last storm my best friend and co-worker was stuck for 4 nights!!
What a trooper!

Actually Geeber I love snow and how it looks but the reality of work it makes it so much more difficult and my job is to be sure every patient in all 6 hospitals gets good care. Since snow makes it so much harder I have come to fear it in the city. With this in mind I rather see snow melt quickly or visit Mount Hood.
Here is what I have done; hot wire. Very low hot wire about 8-10 inches off the ground with a second one another 8 inches up. Even keeps my horse in/out. It works, just have to make sure they know it before growing the garden. Easy and cheap.
YES, I do like snow! I'm in Halfway and we get lots of it. But of course it takes work...wait....it makes work!

Yes it does make lots of extra work! I live in Union, I was in halfway this summer for a draft horse threshing. It's very pretty there!
When I was a kid, our lab had what I would describe as a gigantic boil on the side of her neck. My parent's took her to the vet and she had to have surgery to pull a cheat grass seed from her neck! It sounds similar to your description. I know we are in the wrong season "now" for grass seeds to be an issue, but I know my dog had her lump for nearly a year before they could afford to have it looked at. So it isn't totally out of the question if it is something that went unnoticed for a while.

Well, it's an encapsulated abscess. Surgery was today. We were all ready to have her put down because we thought it was malignant lymphoma. Nope...the 12 year old chicken-killing bulldog is still going strong! She feels great and is looking fine. She's actually kind of gross looking with a drain coming out out of her neck. And I have to flush starting tomorrow, YIKES! Oh and the antibiotics...$4 a pill!

Good news on your bully. The drains are kind of icky... but she's going strong. I'm so happy for you. Perfect news for an early Saturday morning.

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