
Hey Rob, sorry we didn't make it out today, was planning on it but got stuck doing wedding stuff with my sister all day. Hope you're selling lots!!

Yeah it was just wild sold a whopping 2 things and they were both to the SIL of the farm owner. But hey I will be here all day Sunday too.
Come on folks show me that there really are some BYCers in Oregon. I think all of the posts on here are from CLF since she is the only one I know for sure is real.

wish I wasn't working today!!!
Seriously folks, if you haven't seen Rob's metal work, it's AWESOME!!!!! Go check it out!!
So, where can I find a home for my roo if posting ads doesn't work? Any ideas? He seems like he might be a good bird for a 4H club, but I don't know much about that. He's from a breeder not a hatchery. Please keep your ears open if you hear anyone wanting a bantam WC black Polish roo.

Thank you.

Anybody in the Portland area know of a good resource for posting lost/found chicken ads other than Craigslist? We found a hen yesterday, but none of our immediate neighbors have chickens... We posted twice on Craigslist, but it's been nearly 24 hours and no one has contacted us! She is hanging out in the coop with our pullets - they all seem to be getting along fairly well, but we would love to return her to her people and her flock - we'd be worried sick if it was one of ours that had gone missing!!
Isn't it! I'm going to do some research on making repellant out of it. Who needs deet when you've got these leaves!?!?!?

I love making wrong turns, was doing search on sexlink roos, and see a picture of a local "weedy shrub", it may not be, but where I have lived here in the north eastern part of Texas, they are all over. Google here I come :)
Local feed stores / veterinarians. If you're in town, local nurseries, or anywhere they sell chicks in the spring time maybe..... good luck!!
Hi, I would really appreciate any help that you could give.
I am looking for a Sussex breeder or someone that has Sussex for sale..
I agreed to hatch eggs for a lady with my broody.out of 14 eggs, one hatched
and when I went out this morning it was dead.do not have a clue why............
Anyway, I took a second dozen eggs to hatch from the same lady.
She had them shipped in. Candled them at 10 days and all but one is clear.
I am hoping to help find local eggs or chicks.I feel awful about this even though
she is not balming me and I do not think I messed up.
She is especially interested in Silvers.the one we lost was a Buff.
Hi. Another oregonian here.born and raised. Sussex eggs?? There are a few that pop on craigslist from time to time. the person I know just put them all in the bator.

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