
Right now I don't have any birds to trade since I'm just starting out. BUT, how do you find out about the auction? I've been wanting to go but had no idea where to look.

i buy and sell at the woodburn auction! i live in woodburn!!! its very easy to do.. and cheep. it is very umm... interesting?... lol.. u can get all kinds of chickens or other animals like goats cows horse doves, quail.. u name it they got it. its every tuesday at 9:00 is when i like to be there so i can check out the selection... they are closed on major holidays
if u are wanting to go then i sugest it.. its quite and experiance! and its simple to do..
if u ever need anything u know where to find me..lol
Terrie I bought my first Irish Setter from a breeder/friend in Redland. Once I saw how beautiful it is there I tried to buy a house in the area...since the Street of Dreams went in, nobody can afford it anymore unless you get really lucky. Anyway, I love it there! Wish I could afford to be your neighbor! until then, I live in Gervais.

I love it here, too! We moved here in 2002, before the Street of Dreams nonsense and we couldn't afford to live here now either.
I wish you were my neighbor, too! I am the only one with ducks and geese on my street as well as being the crazy chicken lady, even though many of my neighbors have them.

I have a bunch of items that I want to sell at the Woodburn auction, It's just down the road from me, I've gone a couple of times but thought it was kind of crazy. Anyway, do you take your items the day before to sell or do you just arrive really early?
I'm not Luke

You may know this already but just in case you don't ..you need to find
out which monday(s) they sell poultry on..Then go early (way early cuz if ya don't you will get buried in the car's and crowd) so you can do whatever you need to do so as too get them in there cages to sell.

If you go any day before you will pay a (for the lack of a better word)
boarding fee. It might be they will not even take poultry until day of sale.

And you are rite is "heck tick" for sure.
it is kinda crazy thats for sure! LOL its every tuesday that they sell everythinbg.. including poultry , and i like to be there at 9:00. i usually bring stuff in on the day before ( which is monday) that way u can get a cage before they are all taken... btu i do warn u... there are a lot of... for lack of a better word strange people there. but its an easy way to sell a few birds or rabbits or whatever , without having to deal with it urself.. that sounds wierd..lol oh yeah! and if ur gonna buy stuff bring cages with you!
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Hey Luke

I guess mondays are set aside for small and large animals then

Pigs, Goats, Sheep and the like every other Monday and
then Cows, Horses and larger stuff the other Mondays.
I am always leery of buying animals at an auction. Make sure you get a good look at them and quarantine any animals for at least 2 weeks before turning them out with your flock/herd. I buy cows at auction but that is about it.

Happy 4th of July everyone!
wow! i didnt even know that.. i thought it was al just on tuesdays! LOL ... but im possitive poultry is on tuesdays! hey john! my hen that i got from u had babies!!! 3 litttle chicks!
shes a great momma

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