
Are you taking this bird to Stevenson?? If so I will be looking for it. In fact you could mark it RUSTLED !!!
I WILL be bringing him home.

LOL He's really something isn't he? No, he isn't coming to Stevenson, BUT I will be looking for a home for him probably come spring time.....

Here's the other cool thing (albeit sometimes frustrating thing) about salmon males...they change SO much from hatch to fully mature, here is the progression of that particular bird.....

Roughly 8 weeks old:


About 4-5 months old:


About 9 months old:

He is precisely why I tell people not to make final judgements on their roos coloring until at LEAST 8 months if they can possibly help it.

The unfortunate thing about this boy is that he's quite a bit smaller than the alpha roo in his coop, I'd say at least 3 pounds smaller...
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My chick-babies & I live in Lyons, OR with a wonderful Hubby & 2 Shih Tzus. Today was the chicks first day exploring my kitchen. It was too funny watching them watching me. I HAD to clean the brooding box & it was too cold & wet for my 3 week olders to be outside in their pen, so it was the kitchen instead. They followed me around step for step. And I had to watch where I was stepping. I know for sure I am now their mama.
(I had to mop the floor anyways
Had ANOTHER Cooper's Hawk in my front yard this morning (glad I didn't come home to him EATING one of my birds like last summer)....I suppose I should be glad it wasn't THIS:


...like last year.

Oh and that look on his face...he's saying "look into my eyes...you WANT to let your chickens out of their secure runs...you're getting sleeeepy..."
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I've got Bald Eagles here and they've never bothered the poultry or the tiny dogs. I've seen one turn and cruise over to take a look, but he wasn't interested in what he saw.

I assume that the local eagles are getting plenty of fish, which seems to be their favorite dinner. If they decide they want duck to go with their trout, I'll have to increase security.
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We had a juvenile baldie 2 years ago going after my dogs (one of which is a Papillon)...I wasn't home, but DH said the dogs were going nuts, and the bird was swooping and diving trying to figure out how to land in the dog run...luckily he was home when it happened and he scared it off....
I'm in Corvallis with 6 young hens, almost 5 months old so hopefully laying eggs any day now. We allowed them to free range in the garden this Spring/Summer and want to plant a cover crop for the winter ... any suggestions of something that's safe to nibble but not irresistible to chickies? And yes, no surprise that we'll partition off some of the garden next year because I don't mind sharing but these ladies don't know the meaning of the word! Spinach, Kale, and Rainbow Chard? Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner but where's dessert?! LOL but I didn't really mind, they were exploring and growing and I loved watching their cute little bodies weave in and out of the greens!
I don't have an answer for you, because the soil where I live doesn't grow anything but weeds, and I don't have the patience, or care enough, to amend the soil. BUT


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