
The bantam roos aren't as friendly in my experience.. but maybe that's just me? I've had banty frizzled and game hens, and banty cochins, and even polish and none of them were very friendly.. I have a barred rock mix rooster who's extremely friendly and HUGE, he's bigger than my jersey giant hen and he's so sweet to all my chickens, he's roughly 7 months and he's hanging out with my smaller younger welsummer chickens who just turned 4 months. He's even nice to my other roo. Hell, he goes to my neighbor's house and hangs out with their two hens, it's cute. If you're going to get a medium sized friendly roo, I'd recomened a barred rock mix with a bantam..

Nankin Bantam Rooster hand raised will warm right up to you, they love being around people! I am raising Nankin Bantams decide not to go with stanards, with a flock of Bantams we will have plenty of small eggs for two people, and plan on breeding and saeling hatching eggs and chicks. Just starting so next year for sales.
I am really thinking of getting a rooster. If anyone near me has a young, pretty one that is maybe half bantm and half large, I might be interested. I don't want him for chicks, just want a rooster, I think a bantam would be too small, but I don't really want a big agressive one either. So... smallish, young, pretty, HEALTHY, calm and friendly! Is that too many requirements??

I have buff bantam Faverolles that were crossed to Orpington just 2 generations ago. Once my new babies are grown more, I will be looking for a great pet home for my half bantam Faverolles / half large fowl Orpington rooster. He is great with his ladies, he's super sweet to us, and he's the only chicken I've ever "taught" to do anything. He's very respectful, and I think he's absolutely gorgeous!! Here's "Cap":

MAN!!! Rain,rain go away....chicken math might be in store when I put a cover over my run.

Best thing we ever did with our coop was put a cover over a large part of the run. My girls love staying dry, but then so do I. I am waiting for the days when it will be warm enough, and just enough rain. Because then I am taking my chair, and then I'm going to sit in the run and play with my chickens while staying completely dry. I did learn that we should have used all pea gravel in the run. The sand is tracking out of the run.

Did I mention that I am very very good at chicken math. I'm just grateful that I am not a hoarder......

I was laughing so so so hard when I read this, IF ONLY!!!! they've gotten so naughty
they are as tired of the rain as I am. All I have to do is get out the container of oats and shake it, or I have an orange bowl that I use to bring them treats that brings them running! I can't wait to get the run finished. Of course I'm in college, working, a foster parent and decided to add Chickens to my life!!! They have actually become my stress relief
. It's a lot of work to get started, but I can't wait to do my homework outside and just sit with them and listen/watch them do their thing!

Well, put on leg bands, and then tie some weights to it and they can't fly, just hobble around slowly and you can catch them.

Chicken Chain Gang!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, it would be really horrible for them
Jenn, I just put my chicks in the coop, and I don't think I could of done that if I havn't been handling them for the past 7 weeks.Their grow out pen has a ramp up to their portion of the coop and first time out they weren't going to climb that ramp by themselves.So I went out and called here chickie,chickie....and they came.The past few nights they haven't had any heat or light at night, so they should do fine.. can't help but worry a little.Oh.. all my chicks are aussie's also!

I've been trying to handle them as much as possible. A few don't mind, a few run to the far corner and don't like to be picked up at all. I still pick them up anyways, lol. My golden sex-link has become one of my sweetest so far! As soon as I open the door she comes up to greet me and will let me pet her neck and belly. My larger australorp has started coming up to me more too. It's going to be hard to decide who stays if they all turn out to be hens! But I will need to downsize for sure to 5. As they get bigger do the chances for death better or worse? I use the medicated chick starter and I've added the electrolytes from day one to the water. Never had a pasty butt or any other issues. I guess I'm still a little nervous. I see all these sicknesses that they can get and I'm just hoping for the best!
Oh my goodness. I am tired, soaked but relieved.
Got the run up (in the pouring rain, hail, wind I might ad). Of course once I moved them all into the actual coop they looked at me like I was totally nuts trying to get them to go outside and try the door. They've been living in a muddy pen with basicially wire bottom under roosts as their way to get out of it. Now they have an 8x8 coop with deep shavings and about a 8 x 12 run (with room to add onto the run).
At least my big ducks are only ones with muddy issues now and they of course love it. So thankful to my dear husband for all his help.
How far is Silverton from Portland? I have a very calm, young Silkie/ Mille Fleur D'Uccle. Gorgeous little bird

My D'Uccle roo isn't very friendly, but his crow is absolutely adorable, so we are able to keep him without making our neighbors upset.

My EE hens are my sweetest girls, in response to the preciouss post about the EEs being skittish and scared. Of course, because I love the way they look so much, I tend to invest WAY more time in them when raising/ hatching them, so I breed for friendliness as well as face muffs, beards and therefor get these darling, fluffy, sweet girls that vie for my attention. I love my EEs.

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