
Chicken Rustler- Love the pic! Looks like fun. I remember reading where you were going, I think, at one point but dont remember now. We go each summer down to Bullard's Beach, near Bandon, on the Oregon coast. When we pass through Florence we always see folks with buggies, but I dont think I have seen a pink one(grin). I always think it would be fun to rent a buggie or take one of the big "buses" out on the dunes, just havent got there yet.
Sorry about the rain. Folks here were complaining about all the rain last year. I always think that if it stops raining around the Fourth of July its pretty usual. Thats how it was growing up here, but I hadnt lived in the Valley for a while(lived in Central Oregon for about 8 years), maybe its changed. This year seems better, the rain isnt sooo constant which helps a lot of folks feel like summer is here!
We made it home ! ! ! Mostly in one piece. We had a pretty good trip. Got rained on pretty bad the first couple days but Saturday turned out beautiful. We were joined by jbear. This was our first trip together. Jen and our DD hit it off well and became wing girlz to the rails. We made it home in one piece. Although I had 2 break downs and it looks like I may be in need of a new transaxle and engine. Jbear's video on FB may explain part of what happened.

Got a bit restless setting in camp waiting for a couple of ya to show up (lol) so took Quincy to the top of Coliseum so he could look for ya off in the distance. Nope nobody coming our way!
I will refrain from posting more but just gotta put the mutt on here. And thanks to jbear for the pics.

Chicken Rustler- Love the pic! Looks like fun. I remember reading where you were going, I think, at one point but dont remember now. We go each summer down to Bullard's Beach, near Bandon, on the Oregon coast. When we pass through Florence we always see folks with buggies, but I dont think I have seen a pink one(grin). I always think it would be fun to rent a buggie or take one of the big "buses" out on the dunes, just havent got there yet.
Sorry about the rain. Folks here were complaining about all the rain last year. I always think that if it stops raining around the Fourth of July its pretty usual. Thats how it was growing up here, but I hadnt lived in the Valley for a while(lived in Central Oregon for about 8 years), maybe its changed. This year seems better, the rain isnt sooo constant which helps a lot of folks feel like summer is here!
A rental or bus ride is no where near the ride you will get with one of our experienced guys. We will make ya fly.
Hey does anyone know where I can get sultans in Oregon? I have one chick, but I think it's a boy and I'd like more.

Xtina: what's the personality of the silver laced wyandotte? Have you tried dominating the pecky one? I had one that used to peck me, but I pecked her back with my finger, and pinched her comb with my fingers and she learned who was boss REAL fast.
I've never heard of that trick with dominance. I pick her up and flip her over every time she gets me, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good. The silver-laced Wyandotte is an ok bird. She's not too friendly but has never pecked me. Today, for the first time since I've had her, she squatted down in submission to me, so that's at least something positive. I'm not really looking to get rid of her, but I'd let her go with the gold-laced so she can have a buddy go with her.
Definitely try pecking her with your finger. If you think about it, chickens don't dominate one another by flipping each other over. You have to project your position in the flock and show everyone you're top hen or the rooster. Pecking her when she raises herself up at you, or pecking her pack when she pecks you, and by pushing down and rubbing her back when they squat (as if they're getting mated with) all assert your dominance as rooster over them. When you peck, use your index finger and quickly/sharply peck her on the TOP of her head, or her back. If she tries to show you up do it again but grab her comb, like a head hen would and don't let go for a second or two. Continue to peck her until she lowers her head or runs away. It doesn't take much and you don't need to do it hard. The action alone is enough to get your point across. For some of my really stubborn hens it takes two or three pecks in succession but they get over their attitude.

The key to asserting your dominance over any animal is to do it in their language so that they know what you are expecting of them :). Watch your hens interact with one another for other ideas on how to assert dominance, especially around the food bowl or when it's time to roost.
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Thanks I'll try this. But 1) it's going to be hard to do with that flat Wyandotte comb! and 2) I'm still of a mind to get rid of her. Chicken owning should be fun! I don't want to have dominance wars with the hens. I already have to fight for dominance with everybody and everything else in my life! Too difficult. I want calm, submissive, sweet, friendly hens. I want more like my sweet barred rock!

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