
Whay don't we just call it "poultry math"?

Since once you start with chickens, inevitably, more birds follow.

Example: I started with one hen and have since had, Ducks, Gesse, Turkeys, Guineas, Peafowl, Quail, Pheasants, Pigeons, and even an EMU.

If you want to hear some funny stories, I'm full of them, too.
Hi! I'm a lurker from the Washingtonians thread. So out of all the various poultry you've had, which ones are your favorites and which are the hardest to deal with?
Hi! I'm a lurker from the Washingtonians thread. So out of all the various poultry you've had, which ones are your favorites and which are the hardest to deal with?
I bought some old english bantam hens, I loveeeeeee them awesome birds the best personality ever. I would say then my silkies. My wyandottes.....not so much, lol!
Hi! I'm a lurker from the Washingtonians thread. So out of all the various poultry you've had, which ones are your favorites and which are the hardest to deal with?
Of course, everyone will have their own favorites but my all time favorite chickens are Delawares. Calm, friendly, good foragers, keep laying when moved from a free-range situation to breeder pens and don't try to escape at first everytime you open the door, lay 6-7 x-tra large eggs/week, young roo culls are a nice butchering size at 12 - 16 weeks and they are beautiful to look at! Honestly, can't praise them enough! I haven't had any breeds (raised about 10 over the years) that have been hard to deal with but I think it all depends on your situation. The birds I breed are Delawares (dual purpose, personality, eggs, good free-rangers), Leghorns (eggs, feed economy, great free-rangers), Marans (long-term project and lovely chocolate eggs) and Welsummers (dual purpose, lovely dark/speckled eggs, good free-rangers, super calm). I have several other breeds in my egglaying flock and think they are all neat for different reasons!
A friend in Kansas has a local place that does all of her chicken "processing". She does do them in lots of 5-10 birds or more and all kinds of breeds. Has anyone found a butcher/meat processor around Oregon that does this sort of stuff? Just curious if it is a midwest thing or what.
There is a place out near Willamina/Grand Rhonde that processes all poultry and rabbits. Something like Mineral Springs??? I can hunt up the number if needed.
Hi! I'm a lurker from the Washingtonians thread. So out of all the various poultry you've had, which ones are your favorites and which are the hardest to deal with?
Wow, am I out to lunch........ you asked about the various types of poultry, not chicken breeds!!! Only raised quail and chickens and much prefer chickens :) DH is having knee replacement surgery soon, first one Sept. 19th, pre-op tomorrow, too much on my mind, so sorry!!!
Wow, am I out to lunch........ you asked about the various types of poultry, not chicken breeds!!! Only raised quail and chickens and much prefer chickens :) DH is having knee replacement surgery soon, first one Sept. 19th, pre-op tomorrow, too much on my mind, so sorry!!!
Didn't catch that.
OK i have lived in Oregon my whole life but not close to a wilco LOL,
can someone tell me more about them how to order and where they are and the closest one to Florence
Is it like shop co or walmart ?

also how much are they asking for chicks and when is the best time to order chicks .?Tammy

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