
I'm so sorry....

I'm really feeling for you right now...I just recieved two boxes of shipped birds, and out of 11 birds, only one was alive when I opened the boxes....

Well these were my first something got in there run who knew you could be attached to something so much that's so small gunna start over though and whatever killed them I will find it and it will suffer the sane fate
So now I have a 7 yr old hen a6 week old chick and gunna get babies today how in the heck this this gunna work

When the 6 week old pullet is about 14 weeks old you should be able to put her in with the older hen with fewer problems. The babies can be put out with the older birds when they are 14 weeks old.

Problem solved.

They'll survive being lonely for a few weeks.
So pit her in a brooder or what

Don't put her with the tiny chicks, but since she is only 6 weeks old and is the only chick in with the old hen there may be some problems. You can put her in a cage or another pen, but it is probably best if she's away from the old hen.

They'll be lonely for a little bit, but should be fine until she's old enough to handle the bigger hen.
Make sure it's the food grade DE, and not the stuff they use to filter pools...

The one located in the chicken supplies isle is food grade.

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