
Hi everyone! My name is Christina and I just joined BYC. My family and I moved to Oregon 2 weeks ago and now my dreams have having a backyard flock are becoming a reality :)

I am mom to two. My son, Angelo, is 4 and is Autistic and my daughter, Athena, is 2. They are both just excited about getting our chickens as I am. My husband, well, he just thinks I'm chicken-crazy. LOL.
Hi Christina , welcome to BYC - where we are all a little chicken crazy
Hi Christina,

We looked at a property in Cornelius that was previously set up for chickens. Two story barn with an elevator in the middle. The view from to second story of the barn revealed that there were a number of old cars buried under the blackberry vines off the end of the building. I wish I had that barn now but then I would have thrown a fit if DH mentioned getting chickens, I HATED chickens back then, said I would NEVER have them.

We ended up buying in Forest Grove, husband was a little put off by the chimney that spiraled through the house.

We moved down here after my daughter was born to be closer to family, 14 years ago.
We live in unincorporated Washington County, we are zoned for exclusive farm use so we can have MANY chickens. We have a HUUUGE barn and plenty of space for our future flock to free range. I love our new place.

We moved here to be closer to my sister and for the resources available to our son that were not available in California. We love Oregon though so the move really proved perfect for us :)

So I want a variety in our flock but I am not sure what fairs well here. What are your favorite breeds?
Hi everyone! My name is Christina and I just joined BYC. My family and I moved to Oregon 2 weeks ago and now my dreams have having a backyard flock are becoming a reality :)

OKAY, now I know I have been over saturated with all things "Chicken" (from getting ready for and going to the show, and now home less than an hour and working on plans for the swap).

I read that first line as

Hi, everyone. My name is Christina and I am becoming a chicken addict!!!! I thought "Fits right in!"
We live in unincorporated Washington County, we are zoned for exclusive farm use so we can have MANY chickens. We have a HUUUGE barn and plenty of space for our future flock to free range. I love our new place.

We moved here to be closer to my sister and for the resources available to our son that were not available in California. We love Oregon though so the move really proved perfect for us :)

So I want a variety in our flock but I am not sure what fairs well here. What are your favorite breeds?
You've just asked the million dollar question! LOL

Do you know what you're looking for in your birds? If you make a list of what you like, and what you don't like, we can help you come up with some options!

Yes, we have Catahoulas. You ask that like you know what they are, lol, which is, in and of itself, a very amazing thing! Usually when I mention them folks say, " A cata-what?". We have had them for almost ten years. They are amazing!

I do know what they are...but you don't see pb houlas around here. I have a mix, and I used to volunteer with Catahoula rescue. What lines do you have?

This is Witt (aka Wittsh*t)

We live in unincorporated Washington County, we are zoned for exclusive farm use so we can have MANY chickens. We have a HUUUGE barn and plenty of space for our future flock to free range. I love our new place.

We moved here to be closer to my sister and for the resources available to our son that were not available in California. We love Oregon though so the move really proved perfect for us :)

So I want a variety in our flock but I am not sure what fairs well here. What are your favorite breeds?

You guys have to come to the Swap...then you can all kinds of chickens. There will be many other things too..jelly, soaps, jewelry, goats, rabbits, produce, plants, vanilla, honey...all sorts of things!
I have become addicted to Partridge coloring. I've got both LF & bantams rocks. The LF are hatchery birds like most of my ladies, but they all go broody at the drop of a hat. I like that about them but their markings are really off for showing.

I started out with barred rocks for my first layer flock, they are not overly wild but not the kind to climb in your lap. If we grab a shovel or rake they come running. After 4 years they are still pretty reliable layer in the spring & fall without lights or heat.

There were a couple of black sex-links thrown in with the first chicks, they have nice eggs but only 1 of the 3 are still around.

Our next order was more BSL, Speckled Sussex, Light Brahmas, Partridge Rocks & OEGB. The BSL's have survived longer than the first and are still laying well. SS lay much smaller eggs and tend to be feather pickers. Love the Brahmas, calm, mellow, friendly but not great layers. The OEGB were ordered for my daughters 4-H showmanship birds. They are so people friendly they fly up to my sholders whenever I go in the run or coop. They are pretty much bomb-proof for showmanship, they stay on the table, pose, walk on demand, handle being flipped upside down for examintion.

We also have more bantams that she keeps for exhibition in our county and state fairs.

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