
This is my big guy!

My spoiled chickens don't really like raw pumpkins so I bake or microwave, seeds and all and blend it to a mash. They can't get enough of it that way and it is a highly nutritious and free food from the garden.

Last winter :( One of the perils of chicken keeping! And no, I would not turn around so DH could get a face shot of me!!!!

I can laugh as I have done the same!!!
Is anyone going to be giving their chickens the pumpkins? We have 2 carved ones that aren't rotting so I think I'll give em to the girls.

My birds are too far down the food chain. Pumpkin seeds go to the people and I bake the pumpkin and some gets made into pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins and the rest gets made into dog food. I baggie the cooked pumpkin up and freeze it so I have pumpkin for the dogs for the rest of the year.

I'm sure the birds would have been happy to get it, though.
Hello, all just giving a heads up because it is not that far off, Big Poultry show in Reno Nevada coming up 11-17-2012 a the reno live stock and events center, put on by the Northern Nevada Poultry Fanciers Assoc Open and Youth show's entry deadline (postmark deadline) is Nov 5th and you can find our show book here http://poultryfancier.wix.com/nnpfa entries are located at the bottom of page. Also the serama Table top Hosted by Wild West Serama Club , show dedline for entries is november 5 go to wildwestseramas.com and you will find online entries there..


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