
Off topic but - curse you Starbucks for that darn Chai Eggnog Latte. I'm so good all year and just "treat" myself to fancy coffee once in a while until this time of year, AAAAHHHG! It is so yummy
but I do believe since it has eggnog in it, it is just my chicken supporting duty to have it and support the egg industry, right?!
Hi fellow Oregonians/Washingtonians! :)

So...I just treated my flock of 7 birds with Ivomectin 1% injectible, drops on the skin for mites. Then Poultry Protector spray in the coop and then replaced the bedding.

One of my hens was badly infested, with several LARGE egg clumbs around the base of the feathers. What should I do about those? I treated them twice with 10 days between treatments. Do I have to pluck those feathers? I tried to scrape the egg clumbs off but they do not come off and the whole feather ended up coming out. Do I need to give her a bath?? Petroleum jelly?? HELP!!


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