
It looks like they might be the same color as the Moma hen, do you think? I love splash

I think so too, but I don't know for sure.
So , I have 2 questions today. So I have a duck who had a deformed bill because when she was little she got pecked on the bill by my turkeys. She is like half the size of all the ducks and idk why, does anyone know? What does it mean when a hens breast get swallon and she starts to pull her neck back like she has something in her throat. It almost feels like she has something in her breast. Thx!


Does her crop feel large and hard? If so sounds like impacted crop and I would give her some olive oil. If she's still eating you can soak a cube of bread in olive oil to get it in her.
Sorry to hear about your duck, maybe with a bad beak she can't eat as well as the others. I would watch her and make sure she's getting enough food. Best of luck.
So Marge Best suggested I not hatch her eggs and mine together. Her eggs are 4-5 days in already. But she did say I can buy the chicks of these eggs when my hatch day comes to put under my broody. I have her sitting on 3 of my eggs and 4 fake eggs(that is how many chicks I will be getting from Marge). Boy she is a hoot to talk to, and gave me an education on broody hatching eggs. Can't wait for 21 days. And she only lives 3 miles down the road from me. WooHoo
Does her crop feel large and hard? If so sounds like impacted crop and I would give her some olive oil. If she's still eating you can soak a cube of bread in olive oil to get it in her.
Sorry to hear about your duck, maybe with a bad beak she can't eat as well as the others. I would watch her and make sure she's getting enough food. Best of luck.

My hen is better. And she is getting enough food. We have had her sence last April. She is kinda getting agresive with my muscovy duck shimmer, I think its cuz Shimmer has not been sleeping in the coop at night. Here she is my duck Squirt:
The little gray duck with the smaller poof
The little gray duck in the back
The little gray one

She is the little gray one with the poof on her head.
My hen is better. And she is getting enough food. We have had her sence last April. She is kinda getting agresive with my muscovy duck shimmer, I think its cuz Shimmer has not been sleeping in the coop at night. Here she is my duck Squirt:
The little gray duck with the smaller poof
The little gray duck in the back
The little gray one

She is the little gray one with the poof on her head.

I'm glad your hen is doing better, and your ducks are so cute! I love the little poofs on their heads. :) from the pictures it looks like your little ducks doing pretty good. Thanks for sharing, great pics!
We had a big load of snow here. I've got 2 turkeys in a pen that has just shade cloth over the top. The snow filled that up and weighted it down until it hung just 2 feet over the ground.

What a pain. I couldn't push the snow off and ended up removing all the shade cloth, shaking it to get the snow off, and reinstalling it. While it was off, the turkeys were staring at the sky and I could hear them thinking, wondering if they could fly that high to get out.

I've got a better pen for them, but was waiting until the current occupant prepared herself to be served for Thanksgiving and vacated. I sure hope that additional snow will wait a couple of weeks, because the pair of turkeys in the shade cloth pen can't stay there any longer if there is more snow.

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