Organic Egg Question

I never made that claim, re-read my post and you will see I clearly said if they are free ranged, the pasture (or lawn, whatever) has to be organic. Free range does not equal organic and organic does not equal free range. Read the website I posted, it is the USDA website covering the National Organic Program and it should have most of what you want to know about organic farming in it (your state may have additional rules so thats why I say it only covers most). The link you posted from the, while entertaining, is clearly an editorial with only a few quotes from the USDA. Again, if you want the real scoop on organic farming, you need to look at the USDA website.

4H kids and mom, unless you are selling off the farm, you dont need to go through all that testing. Well, I need to clearify, you could be selling alot of eggs, I dont know but at current prices of $3 a dozen, you would need to sell more than 1,666 dozen eggs a year before on farm testing is required. Its not bad that you did and will do the testing, its just not needed.

Sorry I misunderstood your post... but your first sentence "...your chicks must be on organic feed and pasture since the second day of life." indicated that the chicks had to be on pasture.
A dollar a pound is nuts. I just bought a fifty-pound bag of certified organic feed at my local Agway for $17.

(The next day I started feeling panicky about coccidiosis and went and bought a bag of medicated feed! I'll save the organic stuff for when they're a bit older... needless to say I don't plan on marketing my eggs as organic, if I sell them at all!)

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