Organic Farming Illegal! new links

Ursusarctosana wrote: "The U.S. has imposed sanctions on such countries as Croatia (a country that has always taken pride in fresh, organically grown produce) telling them that if they do not accept GMOs into their crops they will not be allowed to be members of the WTO and other organizations. This is where the U.S. is acting as a world cop and bully. It is a sad fact, in this instance, that smaller countries are being "forced" and "bullied" into eating crap they don't want just because the U.S. is interesting first and foremost in capital gain."

Ursusarctosana is on to something. Do you remember how our government badgered Japan because Japan didn't want to import our hormone laden beef? Maybe the eastern European countries are blessed not to be so modern in this instance. Many of the heritage vegetable seeds, especially tomatoes, are now coming from Russia and eastern Europe.
That has been business as usual for the US government and industry when dealing with other countries. "Hey "fill in the blank second or third world country" we're going to help you with "fill in the blank public works project (power lines, water treatment, etc)" then once the nations in debt over the project the company that owns the above project then gets a significant say in the countries politics. Enough of these projects and industry runs the government.

This is why Chavez is such a "bad guy" it's because the previous government before him took on all this American industrial debt and the Industrialists ran the country. Chavez came in and kicked the industrialists out, nationalizing all the projects as well as the nations oil holdings.

If you're interested in this kinda thing there is a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins that you'll find interesting.
I started trying to eat healthier at a horrible time...
And now did anyone actually read the bill?

It's aimed mostly at meat production and imported products. Both of which need more over site (unless you really like sick cattle in your meat aisle or DDT on your fruit and veggies) . They're not out to get your garden. They aren't out to kill the organic movement.

(A) IN GENERAL- The term ‘food establishment’ means a slaughterhouse (except those regulated under the Federal Meat Inspection Act or the Poultry Products Inspection Act), factory, warehouse, or facility owned or operated by a person located in any State that processes food or a facility that holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients.
(B) EXCLUSIONS- For the purposes of registration, the term ‘food establishment’ does not include a food production facility as defined in paragraph (14), restaurant, other retail food establishment, nonprofit food establishment in which food is prepared for or served directly to the consumer, or fishing vessel (other than a fishing vessel engaged in processing, as that term is defined in section 123.3 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations).
(14) FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITY- The term ‘food production facility’ means any farm, ranch, orchard, vineyard, aquaculture facility, or confined animal-feeding operation.

If you are an organic farmer, to legally use the term organic you must already be willing to undergo inspections and submit paperwork to the government to legally use the term "organic" on packaging and advertising, so this bill is nothing new to the organic farming market. At worst it's a couple more hours a year lost to paperwork and inspectors for them.

And lastly this bill wasn't written by the food lobby. In fact I'm quite sure that the food lobby is against this bill. After all it's going to require greater inspections of meat products. Likewise It's going to require that foreign importers be able to pass the same standards as American farmers must face to bring their products to your table. That last one alone should make the American food producers and the organic movement happy in that South and Central American imports will no longer be able to use fertilizers and insecticides that we can not use here, taking away (what some would call) an economic advantage these foreign farms have over the American farmer.​

Its not a hoax. Look at the links, THOMAS is the official website of the United States Library of Congress [ ]
BTW, The senate now has companion bill S 425 in committee.

HR 875, was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband Stanley Greenburg works for Monsanto. Monsanto is the GMO king and they have or are currently in the process of suing countless farmers for collecting their own seeds. How dare they? Even those who didn't buy Monsanto seeds are being sued and ruined because Monsanto claims that cross pollination has occurred from neighboring GMO farms thereby rendering the neighbors seeds illegal copies of patented GMO technology. No more collecting and replanting, just guaranteed repurchases from Monsanto. Monsanto has even gone so far as to try and buy the heirloom and other traditional seed companies, to increase their power and market share.

Just because it sounds scary and too crazy to possibly be true does not mean that it not true.

We all know that some very large egg producers are now pasteurizing their eggs. Does it not make sense that somebody in DC will now say "Well, thats a great idea ... lets make it illegal to sell non pasteurized or RAW EGGS. Think it can't happen. Look at milk. SWAT teams have swarmed food co-ops who's members all contribute to the care and rearing of milk cows for the purpose of each collecting their share of raw milk. The county sheriff didn't show up and knock on their door, rather the swat team stormed them and held all involved [ women and children included] at gunpoint while the raw milk was confiscated.

Wake up before its too late. We should never surrender our right to organic, natural, or locally produced food. This bill will not prevent food related disease outbreaks, but it will destroy freedoms and the local farm.

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I caught the tail end of a TV program on Hallmark this morning about the world food problems that was truly frightening. Countries not only are losing their cultures but now have to grow food that sells rather than for home consumption. Greed and control of the markets, along with our government, are the major culprits. The IMF and WTO are exacerbating the problems. If I were smart enough to write a book, I would title it, "The Death of Common Sense."

The agri-business companies play hardball. I think they would have a monopoly if they control patents and can buy up or contaminate heirloom seeds with GMOs. How does a mono-culture world sound?

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