organic garden organic chickens


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 8, 2008
What garden food do your chickens like to eat .My garden is still not mature but will have lots of leftovers soon.
Yep to the tomatoes! Slugs have been eating small holes in my tomatoes, so the chickens are getting a bonus inside their tomatoes.
Everything. Cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, grapes, peas (shelled naturally), all greens, herbs, watermelon, pretty much anything they can get their beaks on.

And what they didn't like last year they LOVE this year. Go figure. I'm curious to see what they'll do with eggplant.
Thanks ,I have 12 RIR AND 12 jombo cornish ,they also like to eat
rubarb leaves,my birds have a 75 by 60ft. yard to peck and explore they love to set in the long grass looking for bugs.This is my first time and loving it.
They eat everything! Fruit, leaves, flowers, everything! The only thing mine have turned down was a giant Zuccini, but they knew if they held out they would get their favorite grape leaves. They don't bother the leaves of the thorny berries plants too much, but they love the raspberries and blackberries on them. It is funny to watch them jump for the ones too high to just easily peck off.

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