orphaned wood duck on pond


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
My ponds seem to be a death trap for ducks. I don't know what is getting them, but every year, they seem to get eaten by something. This year we have lost already 3 wild duck families. Yesterday there were 4 Wood Duck babies and Mom, and 8 or so Mallard babies and mom. Today, there is 1 Wood Duck baby and that's it! It appears to be about 2-3 weeks old I think. Still downy. Looks like this. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...bybaranoff.com/images/3192-baby-wood-duck.jpg
We sat outside for an hour or so trying to gain it's trust. Obviously this will not work by tonight. What should I do. I am so sick of all the ducks dying!!!! All three of my pet ducks died last year..
There might be snapping turtles, although I have never seen a turtle in or around our pond in the 3 years we have lived here. It's a big pond and I don't know how to catch it. The pond is about 150+ feet across. I am so sad that there is not a way to save this baby.

It is hiding in 2 different bushes in the water. One is his nest I think, and the other is the mallards nest area. The pond is sort of no bank, so there is a 1-2 foot drop around all edges and a lot of shrubbery around the edges as well.

I thought about putting the canoe in the pond and trying to get it with a pool skimmer. How long can it swim without having the mothers oil, since it is not fully feathered?


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