Orpington Chick with eye issue


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
I'm brand new to chickens. We just got 8 chicks from our local farm supply on Friday. They are all doing great except for Lemon, my Buff Orpington. Not only is she the only one with pasty butt, but she's also got something going on with her eyes. I've been reading and trying to figure out what it is, but it never hurts to ask the pros for help. :) she is eating and drinking fine as far as I can tell, and doesn't seem to have a runny nose either. I wiped her eyes down with warm water and gauze tonight as well as a drop of sterile saline in each eyes. Do you think she needs an antibiotic ointment of some kind? Below is a picture of what's going on. Please help, I'm beyond attached to this little chick.
Thanks. I'll look into that today. Her eyes seemed even more swollen this morning. I've also read that coconut oil or colloidal silver might help. Thoughts?
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Thanks! I ordered some of the[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Vertericyn gel and it's supposed to get here today. I've been cleaning her eyes at least 3 times a day with saline and putting sterile eye drops in (no redness remover). I had to take my dog to the vet yesterday and they gave me something call Neomycin & Polymyxin B Sulfates and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Ointment to try. I'm pretty sure this has steroids in it though and I was reading that might not be the best idea. Her eyes get kind of goopy as well and she had some pine shaving stuck on it this morning so I'm switching out the shavings for paper towel as soon as I get home tonight. Her eyes don't seem much better, but at least they're not getting worse. I looked for terramycin, but couldn't find it anywhere. I guess I'll have to order it online.[/FONT]
Update: Lemon is still hanging in there. Though she now has diarrhea and is not as active as the other chicks. Leads me to believe it is more than just eye issues. Still no runny nose or wheezing/coughing so I still don't think it's a respiratory problem. Do you think I should try the ointment the vet gave me even though it has steroids in it? Will that hurt her? I was going to try some scrabbled eggs to see if I could get her to eat more.

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