Orpington, Golden Comet, or Something else???

they definitely resemble my Buff Orp Roos. Their heads and posture for sure, but the speckles and dark brown/black tail feathers make me think they are at least a mix with something else. Coloring is also too dark red/brownish to be pure Buff Orps.
When I saw my first glimpse at the pictures I thought they were roosters. I know it stinks when you really think you have a hen and it turns out to be a rooster. I used to have a aracauna mixed with something else rooster but I thought he was a girl and I named him Eleanor. Everybody else said he was a roo but I didn't until one morning he crowed! lol So I changed his name to elliot. :)
I am leaning away from Production Reds. Production Reds are a darker red. These are more orangish buff colored. I would have to say Red Sex Link or a Buff Orpington... It is hard to tell.
I was just reading this from the top and was thinking 'wow, those look like hens to everyone? they look just like my BO roosters..'. Better pics would help but they look like boys to me in those shots.

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