Orpington , what color will s/he will be?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 17, 2013
Hi, folks, i am new to BYC ( very new, joined minutes ago)

I got a chick from the hatchery and been told s/he is a orpington, i call it Penguin as it does look alike a penguin, i have it for 10 days now, it only grows a little bit of wing feather, meanwhile, my cream legbar, cochin and polish are growing fast.

Can i know if it a lavender orpinton or blue? or may be other breed? And is it normal for an orpington to grow so slowly?

I just got a lavender orpington and 3 lavender americaunas, and the orpington is the smallest one, thats how i tell it apart from the other aside from the slight color difference
It looks blue to me, but the picture looks kind of dark too. Lavender, or self blue, chicks are pretty light. They usually look almost splash. But, I have seen some with darker faces and such. Whatever color it is, its super cute!
And yes, Orps are s-l-o-w growers- but we'll worth the wait :)
It looks the same everyday, but I don't mind as it's super adorable.... part of.me want to see what it looks like once its fully grow, another part of me wish it stay lovely n tiny forever.... i m waiting....... not so patiently...

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